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Emerson sighed, hands on her hips as she looked out at the floor of her restaurant. La Bella Cucina was beautiful, the dining room exquisite and everything she could have ever imagined. She frowned though as she gazed upon the mostly empty tables.

It had been two months since Cesare had handed over the keys to her and left her to turn the space into the restaurant she'd always dreamed of. She'd perfected her menu and she knew the food was amazing, but still every night she was barely turning a profit.

It didn't make sense. The first week after opening the crowds had been good and the holidays saw a good number of people through the door but as January set in things had tapered off and now as February crept closer she was beginning to doubt herself.

She didn't know what to do. She had increased advertising, she's compared her prices to the comparable dining establishments in this part of the city but still the people didn't come. If things continued as there were going, she doubted she'd be able to keep the doors open through summer, and that damn near broke her heart.

She had to stay positive though, she had to push through and hope that something would turn the tides in her favor.

"Cal, mate, you've got to get out of this damn hotel room." Ashton said appearing at the door that Calum had left opened for him and flopping onto the bed beside the man.

"I don't feel like it Ash."

"This is bullshit. It's your damn birthday, Calum. We're only in New York for two days, let's go do something."

"I'm not preventing you from going Ash, but I don't want to go." Cal rolled onto his side to face the window instead of Ashton's harsh glares.

"You never want to do anything. When we're home you barricade yourself in your house when we're on tour you practically chain yourself to the bus. What the fuck has happened to my adventurous best friend. If you say Emi I swear to God Calum I'm gonna punch you, it's been years."

Calum didn't respond just closed his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat. Even hearing her name still brought tears to his eyes. He didn't understand how it could still hurt this bad after this long.

"Fuck, Cal." Ashton finally said softly.

"Can we at least go get something to eat? It's your birthday."

Cal brought his sleeve covered hand up to remove the dampness from just under his eye before sitting up and nodding. He had to do something to let his friends acknowledge his birthday even if he didn't feel much like celebrating.

He stood and moved towards his bag, rummaging through the contents until he found a pair of black pants and a long sleeved black t-shirt. He undressed from his gym shorts and T-shirt discarding the items to the floor as he redressed himself. He slid on a leather jacket and his Doc Martens throwing his phone and wallet into his pockets before looking to Ashton.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He mumbled.

Ashton gestures for Calum to follow him and he obliged. They trekked down the hallway until Ash stopped at another door on the corridor. The door swung open to reveal Micheal and Luke escorted by their girlfriends and KayKay who dutifully took her place at Ash's side.

Great. Just great. Nothing like being the seventh wheel on his own fucking birthday to really ease his loneliness.

He fought desperately to calm the urge to dramatically roll his eyes.

The others headed for the elevator and after a moment he followed after them. At least he'd get food.

Michael had gotten them a reservation at some new Italian place, thankful he'd been able to get something decent on such short notice. They tried to go somewhere new every time they came to New York, since the options seemed endless.

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