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People rushed past Emi in the crowded airport as she stood in the terminal turning in small circles and looking for her fellow travelers. A tuft of bleached blonde hair caught her eye and she smiled as Calum came into view.

He didn't see her at first, his head down as he typed something into his phone. She felt her own device buzz as he slid his into his pocket and looked up.

She pulled it out and chuckled when she saw the text was from him, telling her he was at the security checkpoint.

"Well I guess that text was unnecessary." He said with a small smile as his arms wrapped around her to pull her close. "You look good, Emi."

Her face flushed and she broke their eye contact for a moment as she spoke. "You look great, Cal."

"Hi, guys!" Michael called as he appeared next to them, Luke and Ashton trailing behind him.

Emerson greeted them and tried not to let her fears that she was overstepping by coming along on this trip, invade her mind. Calum had invited her, shit, Calum had offered her a job.

That was the real reason she was on the trip in the first place, to discuss business. Figuring things out with Calum was just a bonus side project.

They made it through security and headed towards their gate. Calum fell into step beside Emerson and she shot him a look as he took her hand in his.

"What are you doing?" She whispered, her eyes darting around the busy airport.

"If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it. No holding back, no hiding."

"But Cal, the press — your fans." She added, her voice panicky and hushed.

"We've been through this before Em, my fans always have liked you and the press, I could really give less of a fuck about. If we do this they'll be a factor but that's part of what being with me means dealing with." His brown eyes were serious as he peered down at her. "That's one thing I can't fix, Em. The public aspect of my life is a ship that's already sailed. I'll do what I can to keep you away from it if that's what you want but I can't make it go away."

"I could not care less, I'm just scared to be a burden to you."

They reached their gate and took seats in the uncomfortable vinyl chairs as Cal turned to face her.

"You could never burden me, Emi. I love you and I want this to work. I'll do whatever I can to make that happen."

"The city's so pretty at night." Emi said, breaking the silence as she and Calum strolled hand and hand. Her eyes were focused upwards at the sea of lights and colors that flashed across every visible space.

"You're pretty always." Cal said, laughing before he could even finish his remark, because of how corny it was.

"God, I don't know how your fans think you're intimidating. You're such a dork."

"Yeah, but you love it." He said, a smile playing across his lips.

She bit her bottom lip and just shook her head. It was insane how they could so easily slip back into the patterns of their former relationship. He felt so familiar, he felt like home.

"Do you miss it here?" He wondered aloud before cursing himself, realizing that might not be the easiest topic for her.

"Um," she started, taking a moment to carefully consider her answer. "Yes and no. I miss the people I worked with and the opportunity I had here. LA is great too though. It's a vibrant city, the food culture is great which is good for me and LA has..." she trailed off and he turned back to face her searching her face as she ended her thought mid sentence.

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