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"Babe? Babe, you okay?"

Kyle called through the bathroom door as Emerson heaved again into the toilet.

She'd gotten no sleep as her anxiety had kept her up and cost her the remnants of what she'd had for dinner. She was positive she'd thrown up everything now and she rested her head against her hand as tears fell freely from her eyes.

What the fuck was she going to do? She was due in to work in three hours and she was miserable. She'd brought this all on herself of course but that did nothing to calm her breathing or ease her panic.

"Can I get you anything?" Kyle asked, pulling the door open and peeking in. He had a weak stomach and would surely become sick himself if he bore witness to her wrenching.

"I'll be fine. I'm probably gonna call out of work, it's just a stomach bug or something I'm sure." She said trying to offer him a smile while subtly wiping at the tears cascading down her face.

He nodded shutting the door back and, she hoped, returning to bed.

She stood slowly and walked towards the vanity, grabbing a rag and wetting it with warm water before pressing it to her forehead. She leaned against the counter and released a heavy sigh.

She couldn't live like this, her guilt was eating her alive but before she self-imploded her life she had a few questions last night had left unanswered.

She exited the bathroom quietly and slipped out to the kitchen rifling for a glass and filling it halfway with water from the tap. She raised the glass to her lips and took small sips trying to rehydrate herself.

When she'd drained the liquid she set the cup carefully into the sink and padded over to the couch, sinking down onto the comfy cushions and throwing a blanket over herself. She closed her eyes and tried to get at least a little rest.

"Em? Em? Are you going to work?"

"Uh-uh" she replied turning over on the couch away from his voice.

"Okay, I'll call in for you and let them know you're sick. I'll see you tonight, I love you."

She stayed quiet as he slipped out the door, wondering if he noticed that when he professed his love, she hadn't said it back.

When he had gone and she found herself unsuccessful at returning to sleep she prayed herself off the couch, determined to go find the answers she needed.

She walked to the closet combing it for what she was looking for before her fingers closed around the fabric.

She pulled free the shirt that had once belonged to Calum and slipped it on over her head. It was a simple black shirt with Led Zeppelin's logo on it that had once been one of his favorite, and hers as well. She'd left it behind when she left him but he'd mailed it to her school and she'd never been able to bring herself to get rid of it. She threw on a distressed blue jean jacket and black jeans before sliding on her boots. She knew there was no need for makeup, she'd just cry it off in minutes the way she was going.

She grabbed her bag and slipped out the door headed to the only person who could give her the answers she wanted and needed before deciding where to go from here.

The walk to his hotel seemed to take ages. She didn't have a real plan. She didn't even know if he was still here. She felt like she would know if he'd left though. She'd always thought that what they had had was special, a connection to each other that was unexplainable.

She bypassed the reception desk and headed straight for the elevator hoping she could remember how to get to his room.

She tapped her foot impatiently as the elevator ascended to his floor. She got off and went to the left stopping in front of two doors that were both vaguely familiar. Which one was it?

She but her lip as she stared at them both trying desperately to recall which one he'd pulled her through last night but failing.

She let her gaze wander back and forth between the two hoping some extra time would show her which to choose to no avail. Finally she picked the one on the left and hoped for the best. What was the worst that could happen?

She stepped forward and knocked waiting patiently until she heard movement on the other side.

Her breath hitched as the door swung open to reveal not Calum, but Luke. He rubbed his eyes and yawned obviously having just rolled out of bed from a restful sleep.

His eyes widened as he saw her and he stepped quickly into the hall, grabbing a key card and shutting the door behind him.

"What the fuck are you doing here Em?"

"I was looking for Calum I guess I got the room number wrong. I couldn't remember which one it was."

Luke crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall an obviously displeased look on his face.

"I mean why are you back? We all literally just got to bed an hour ago because Calum's been an absolute shit show."

She felt her mouth drop open but she struggled to get her words out.

"What did you hope to accomplish? Did you get off knowing you still get to him? Are you happy now that you know you were it for him? That he's sworn off love because of you? We've tried everything. We get him drunk, we set him up, we try anything and he won't even give it a shot. It's all your fault. You know he's my best fucking friend, and this is the second time you've done this to him? Just completely broken him."

"I—I didn't plan it. He asked me to talk and it just, escalated."

"Yeah, well. You ruined his damn birthday, Em. Way to go. Honestly, just go. Don't bother him. Don't hurt him more. Run back home to your boyfriend. Or has he left you and that's why you're back? Let him move on, Em. Maybe you've hurt him enough he finally will be able to."

With that he turned and slid the card into the room lock pushing it open.

"And that shirt, Em? Really? That's a low fucking blow. Just go home."

He shut the door then and left her once again alone in the hallway. She stared at the door slightly to the right trying to decide what she should do.

What would be gained by talking to him? On her way here she'd had so many questions she was hellbent to have answered. She'd only been thinking of herself. She always seemed to only think of herself, maybe it was time she put him first. Answering her questions was sure to only hurt him more and she didn't know if she could live with herself if she put him through any more torture.

She stared long and hard for one more moment before she turned back and headed for the elevator.

An: soooooo Luke obviously has some opinions about Em and Cal...do you?

What should she do?

What do you think Cal's next move will be?

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