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"Someone looks mighty happy today." Michael laughed as Calum walked in to their practice, a wide smile spread across his face.

"Must've got laid." Luke replied, failing to whisper.

"Maybe." Calum smirked as thoughts of he and Emi filled his mind.

They'd stayed up nearly the whole night talking, healing, touching, making love.

He be hard pressed to find a better excuse for exhaustion.

The boys all chuckled and heckled him in good nature. 

"So I'm guessing your date went well then?" Ash asked, Luke and Michael's ears perking up as they turned, curious for Cal's response.

"It wasn't a date." He said flatly. "But, I mean, our talk went well. I think I understand the major problems between us now."

"So, is that like, it then?" Luke asked.

"Hell no." Calum replied quickly. "Now I just have a better idea of what I need to do."

The boys shared a look but Calum tried not to pay it any mind. They had work to do. They had nearly six months until their next tour but their work was far from over. They had songs to write, an album to finish, press events to attend, a setlist to prepare.

Of those things in their to do list Calum was glad today's task was simply crafting a shortened set for a few promotional performances. It was the easiest mentally of their options and he needed a few hours to just tune out everything but his thoughts of he and Emi, and what he could do to continue this forward progress they had made.

She'd met with him. She'd come into his home. She'd played with his dog and they'd had a real conversation. A few days ago he couldn't have even dreamed things would have went this well, and the sex? It had been out of this world as always. She was exquisite and she'd left a mark on him years ago that had stained his heart and made him worthless without her.

He'd lied to himself when he'd let her walk away from him, from them, those year ago. He wouldn't do it again.

His fingers danced over the frets of his bass and the words flowed from him like second nature. He always felt most at home playing music. It didn't matter if it was on stage playing to thousands or like right now, playing with only his best friends, he was most himself when the creative energy was free to flow.

Emerson was the only one who'd ever made him feel the same high he got from performing and he knew with great certainty the thing he felt for her were not the kind of feelings that could be recreated. She was his great love. His soul mate.

As practice for the day wrapped up, he bounced around the idea that had been in his head since she'd mentioned her future plans. He would have to get the other boys on board surely but he didn't foresee that being a problem. They all seemed to have come around to the notion that Calum would find a way to be with Emerson no matter what it cost him or what he would have to sacrifice.

He knew he would have to present the idea to them carefully. They hated change and they were all businessman but he felt in his heart of heart that this would be a good thing and he trusted that his very best friends would see it the way he did, a win win situation for all.

"Cal you want a beer?" Luke asked, as he stood with the refrigerator of the common area of the studio open.

"Sure, mate." He replied, catching the beverage when Luke tossed it to him. He cracked it open and slurped the foam that tried to escape.

He felt his hands grow clammy as everyone settled into conversation. He didn't know why he was so nervous, they were his brothers not the firing squad.

"So, was it as good as you thought it would be?" Callie asked as Emi entered their apartment. Her outfit was the same one she'd left the night before in and her hair was disheveled with the clear look of being freshly fucked even though it had been hours since Calum had abandoned the bed they had shared the night before for work and left her a key to lock up.

"Better." Emi replied dreamily. "I don't know, Cal's, maybe I've just been lying to myself. We've talked about this, I just, I don't know how it's feasible. I don't know how to make it work but the connection is there. It was there in New York and the four fucking times last night."

"Four?" Callie exclaimed her eyes going wide as Emi smirked and nodded unashamed.

"If I could just figure out how to make our lives work, how to solidify a future for ourselves I'd jump in with both feet, no looking back."

"Did you tell him that?" Callie asked falling into the space on the couch beside Emerson.

"Yeah, we talked about a lot last night. He profusely apologized for the last few years. He confessed he was the one behind that check we got before the restaurant closed."

"Shit. You called that."

"I know." Emi laughed. "He wants me to go with him to New York next week." She added quietly, looking over to Callie for her reaction.

Her friend stared back, her mouth dropping open as Em's words hit her.

"Yeah, um." She reached up and tugged a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "The boys have got a few days of press and he wants to try it out. Like if he was on the road and I were to come and visit. He wants me to see what his life is like and for me to see how it would feel to be a part of how his life is now. It's so different than it was when we were together last. I don't know, he's trying, but I haven't decided if I'll go."

"Well of course you'll go!" Callie practically screamed, causing Emi to startle.

"Sorry, Em, but you have to! You said if he could show you how your lives could fit together you'd jump at the chance to be with him. This is is! So jump!"

Em rocked her head side to side, her friend had a point.

A sudden knock on the door startled them both and Emerson stood to answer it.

An excited gasp left her throat as she saw Calum's outline standing in the doorway through the peephole.

She swung the door open excitedly to reveal him, his cheekiest grin covering his face leaving his dimples on display and his cheeks appearing extra squishy.

"What are you doing here?" She asked incredulously.

"Well, I needed my key, but that's really just an excuse to see you. But I also have a proposition for you."

An: this book is coming to an end! ☹️ I think I've got one more chapter and an epilogue before we wrap things up here!

What did you think?

What is Calum's plan?

Will their be a happy ending for Emlum?

Vote/comment/ check out my teen fic "Paper Parachute!

Merry (belated) Christmas to everyone who celebrates (and Happy holidays to those of you who celebrate other things!)

Sav 🖤

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