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3 years later

"I also need bell peppers." Emi said into the phone as she tried to finish the order for provisions for the boys latest tour. She giggled as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her sides and pulled her against a perfectly chiseled chest. "That's all, thank you!" She rushed to end her call before spinning around and planting her lips to Calum's.

"Mmm." Calum hummed against her lips before reluctantly pulling away. "I can't believe a new tour starts in three days."

"I can't believe I'm not going with you." She sighed.

"I wish you could." Cal replied poking out his bottom lip.

"I know, I know." Emi replied. "The doctor says we're too close to our sweet girl's arrival for that kind of travel and stress though, so I guess I'll sit this one out."

"It's only for six weeks. I'll be back before you know it and then it'll be time for her. We've really got to get on giving her a name, we can't just keep calling her 'she'."

"Ugh, it's so much pressure though. What if we pick one out and then she's born and it doesn't suit her? We've just fucked up her whole life from birth then." She said panicked.

"What if we pick a few and then decide after she's born which fits her?" He suggests, ever the problem solver.

"I love it."


"Calum, wake the fuck up."

The tanned skin boy beside her groans and bats her hands away. She'd picked him up at the airport a mere twelve hours earlier and he had been attempting to sleep his jet lag away. Emi hate to wake him up but it simply could no longer be avoided.

"Calum Thomas Hood if you do not get the fuck up right now so help me G-"

"I'm up, i'm up. Damn." He says rubbing at his eyes. "What is it?"

"My water broke!"

His eyes widen as he rolls off the bed, he lacked any sort of grace as he stood quickly and his eyes began to dart frantically around the room.

"Wait, but you're not due for two more weeks!"

"Babies come early sometime Cal. We're thirty-eight weeks, that's close enough. She's coming."

His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped and the realization that their baby was coming today overwhelmed him.

He ran from the room to find the hospital bag as Emi laughed at his panic. At least her spirits were high.

Much to Emi's amusement Calum scurried around the house mumbling under his breath as he tried to verify that they had everything they'd possibly need for the hospital.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something." He said as he walked slowly towards her.

"Cal, baby, it's fine. If we forget something either the hospital will have it or we'll send one of the boys by. Let's go."

Cal reached for her hand and guided her out to the car, excitement filling his belly.

"She's so perfect Emi." Cal whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, both of them staring down at their sweet baby girl. "You did so good, love. I'm so proud of you."

Emi's heart swelled as she held the baby to her chest. The day had been long and exhausting but her reward was well worth the toil.

"Which name do you think suits her? Kylie or Teagan?" He asked.

"I'm not sure if she looks like either of those if I'm being honest." Emi replied, her fingers tracing over the babies nose softly, as she slept nestled within Emis arms.

"Well, then that means we're back to square one as far as names go." Cal said, plucking the tiny girl carefully from her mother's embrace.

"Maybe not."

Calum turned to look at Emi better.

"What do you mean?"

"I've got another idea." She said sheepishly as Cal quirked a brow out of curiosity.


"Yeah, um. What do you think about Kaia?"

"Kaia? But that's, that's a Maori name."

"Yeah, I saw it on a baby list and loved it and then when I saw its origin I knew it was special."

"It means thief you know?" He laughed quietly.

"Well, that's quite appropriate."

"You think so?" He laughed hesitantly.

"Yeah, I mean, she's already stolen our hearts."

"Ahh, that I would have to agree with my love." He replied kissing her. "Kaia. Yeah, babe. I like that."

Emi smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to Kaia's face.

"Mommy loves you so Kaia Mae."

It was so hard to believe she had almost walked away from all of this, almost lost this as her future. Staring down at Kaia and wrapped in Calum's embrace she couldn't imagine her life any other way.

The End

I hope you have enjoyed the story! Make sure to checkout my story "Paper Parachute."

Ily, thanks for coming along on the journey of Cal and Emi!

Sav 🖤

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