Part 13

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Once again you're at the rooftop with Taehyung. "Sorry for ditching you in the club." He apologized. "I don't want to talk about what happened yesterday or the day before." I remarked. "If it makes you feel better we can fuck up that ex of yours." He offered. I give a weak smile at the idea. "It would but I don't want Jin oppa pissed off even more." I explained. I look toward the male. His mischievous eyes shined in the light. "Then how about we just leave?" He suggested.  I smiled even wider. "And where would we go?" I retorted giving him a smug look. He smirks at me. "Anywhere in the city." He answered. We get up from our sitting positions and as we go to leave Hobi and Yoongi walk through the doors. "My hope!" Hobi exclaimed. "Oh hey Hope and Yoongi. We were just leaving." I told the pair. "Where are you going my hope? Do you not want to see me anymore? Did I upset you?" Hobi questioned. "No Hobi. You didn't I'm just leaving school with Tae." I reassured him. "Since Jhope wants to see you why don't we go with?" Yoongi Inquired. "Sure hyung!" Tae agreed.

The four of you get to the second floor before the other person you didn't want to see spots you. "Jagi! I've been looking for you all day!" Jimin expressed. "Oh um hi Jimin." I let out forceing myself to look at him. "Where have you been? I have something I want to show you!" He beamed. "Sorry hyung she was with me on the roof." Tae chimed in rubbing the back of his neck. Jimin smiled the brightest I've ever seen from him. He grabs my hand wanting to show me what he worked on. Yoongi grabs my other hand. "She's coming with us." Yoongi demanded. "B-but hyung-" Jimin choked out before I cut him off. "I'm sorry Jimin. You can show me after school." I said as I slipped my had out of his and walked off with the others.

Jimin's pov:

I walk down the hall and lean against a wall. Of course she wouldn't go with me. She's onl with me to get over Yoongi hyung and I know that. I'm so foolish! I sigh in defeat before I mutter that she'll never love me like I love her. I let out a tear before returning to the art room.

Y/n's pov:

"The food was nice but I need to excuse myself real quick." I said to the guys and left to the restroom. While washing my hands the three petty bitches, Ji-woo, Min-seo, and Nari. They corner me against the sink. "Didn't we say stay away from our oppas bitch?" Nari fumed. I bite my tongue and look at the door to see if I could make it. Unfortunately Ji-woo blocked it. "And didn't I say they were my friends?" I snarled.  I knew I wasn't getting out unhurt. Nari grabbed my hair and pulled me close. "You dare to talk back? Do you not realize your situation right now?" she questioned. "I just glared in response and she smirked. A knock from outside caused Ji-woo to jump. "Little princess you okay?" Yoongi asked from outside. "Say yes or else." Nari bossed. "Yoongi help!" I screamed. He busted in seeing the girls. Nari was extremely pissed off. "Let her go now!" He barked. Nari does as he says and exits with the other two. "Making this habit for me to keep saving you huh?" He joked. "Shut up and wait outside please." I ordered. He laughed as he exited the restroom as well. I cleaned myself up and followed after. Surprisingly he actually waited for me. "You actually waited for me?" I asked him. "Well it was just in case they came back." He answered.

Yoongi's pov:

Now is a time I can confess. Don't be a coward. I go to say but instead I just say,"Lets get back to the others." I curse myself for not being able to tell her.

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