Part 20

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Jimin's pov:

I carried Y/n to my shared dorm with Namjoon. "Hey Jim- Not again!" Namjoon yelled looking up at her and I. "Relax it's different then last time." I responded. "Fine but I better not hear anything. I need to prepare for finals." Namjoon teased. I noticed he had a lot of books open and surrounding him. "Yeah. Yeah. You and your grades has to be perfect." I fired back. "Some of us aren't rich ya know." He said his voice getting louder. Y/n moved a bit in my arms. "Keep it down or you'll wake her." I shushed him. "I don't give a fuck." He responded. "Whatever. Oh and hyung she'll be staying here for a while." I informed him. "Sh just better be good at cooking." Namjoon said. "She's Jin hyung's sister after all." I jokingly said. I carried her to my room and laid her on my bed. I stare at her. She looks so peaceful and perfect. God I love her.

Your pov:

I wake up again in a familiar place. "Oh N/n you're awake." Jimin said looking at me with a loving glaze. "Where am I?"I asked confused. "My house again." He answered with a shy look before continuing,"You never told me where you live and you were asleep on me." He finished. I apologized but he stops me by saying that I'm cute when I'm sleeping. "Hey Jimin?" I ask cutting the silence. He looks at me in response. "Why did Jungkook save me?" I ask looking at him with begging eyes. "I don't know."He answered. "I'll ask him then." I decided. "I don't think that's a good idea. Yoongi won't be too happy." Jimin advised. "Who cares about Yoongi? He used me and and I was only a bet to him." I declared. Tears ran down my eyes. "He seemed to care." Jimin tried to reassure me. "He almost beat the bloody shit out of me when I said you weren't his anymore."Jimin confessed to me.

"Only cause me not being his means he's not getting paid anymore."

"Fine think what you want. You were happy with him weren't you?"

"Yeah. He was everything."

"Can I even compare to him?" Jimin asked looking scared.

"Yeah Jimin. Unlike Yoongi you know you're emotions. I can read you easier than him."

"You know I gave you to him so you could be happy with him, right?"

"That's so sweet!" I cooed. My heart melting at his gesture.

"Could you ever give me another chance?"

"Yeah. not riht now though but maybe in the future."

"I'LL TAKE WHAT I CAN GET!" Jimin cheered. A shush came from the living room as I laughed.

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