Part 24

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I sat across from Jin,Taehyung, Jungkook, and Namjoon. We were all visiting Yoongi again. The room was filled with a mixture of hatred and awkward silence. Jin and Jungkook glared daggers at me. I could tell they blamed me for this. Namjoon, and Yoongi kinda just sit there silently watching. Taehyung sits back bored of the display. Jimin step out with Hobi a while ago to go grab something for Yoongi. The silence goes on for a bit longer until Taehyung breaks it. "They sentenced Ji-young yesterday. 5 years in prison." Yoongi stared at Tae. "Good. His punk ass deserves it." Yoongi said. "Yoongi I hate to remind you, but you're the one seating in a hospital bed right now. Not him." Namjoon spoke up. "Fuck off." Yoongi spat. Jimin walked in holding food for Yoongi and a phone charger. "Thanks Jimin. Where's Jhope?" Yoongi asked taking the items from Jimin. "He's getting you some presents to try to make you feel better." Jimin answered. "He's such an angel." I mumbled at. It ended up getting me another glare from Jin and Jungkook. "Look you two can kick her ass later. Right now we're here for Yoongi not her." Taehyung said trying to defuse the situation that was building up. "No they won't. I got my ass beat protecting her. If they touch her. I'll deal with them when I get out." Yoongi threatened. "You know you shouldn't be making those kinds of threats where you're in here for literally getting your ass kicked." Namjoon warned. "You're not going to let me live this down are you?" Yoongi asked Namjoon. "Eh when it starts to get too old I will." Namjoon answered. Yoongi groaned as Jhope entered the room. "What are you not happy to see your hope?" He asked placing the bear with balloons beside Yoongi's bed. "No I'm very happy to see you Jhope. Namjoon here just won't let me live down getting my ass kicked." Yoongi filled Hobi in. Tae grew bored of the scenario playing out before him and addressed the situation again. "Are you going to talk little bitch or just sit there? You know this is your fault right?" Tae questioned me. Jimin spoke up in my defense."He's not wrong." Jin piped in. "If she hadn't of called you or upset Ji-young then you wouldn't be here right now." Jungkook added on. I bit my lip trying to hold back the anger and hatred I held for them. "Guys let's not fight about this while Yoongi is in the hos-" Hobi started but was cut off by Jimin surprisingly. "No I think we need to settle this right here and now."Jimin said. "I agree with Jimin." Yoongi said. "You 3 mainly need to lay off Y/n." Yoongi added. "The day I'll be nice to that bitch is the day Jimin will grow taller than me." Jungkook argued. "None of us like her but you four and Namjoon is only included because he doesn't really have an opinion on her." Jin added. "I don't have an opinion on her cause I rather not waste my time on on things that don't matter." Namjoon defended himself. "Honestly Jin your the oldest out of all of us and yet here you are acting so childish it almost got your actual younger sibling killed. Grow the fuck up and stop being a dick. We're here for Yoongi after he CHOOSE to get his ass kicked for Y/n." Namjoon continued. "I didn't choose to get my ass kicked-"Yoongi started but Namjoon cut him off"Yeah but you knew what was a possible out come if you went." I stood there awkwardly watching. "I think it would be best if you left so we can discuss this without hurting you in anyway Y/n." Namjoon turned and said to me. I looked at Yoongi and then slowly nodded before leaving. Jimin ran out the room to catch up to me. "N/n! Hobi told me to quickly let you know that he'll be back at his house after all this is over and to hand you the key." Jimin panted. "Thanks Jimin." I mumbled out and left him there.

I'm staying at Hoseok's house since I no longer have mine and after the betrayal I rather not live with Taehyung. I slid open the door after I unlocked it. My things and Hoseok's were tossed about the messy home. The blanket we used to make a fort was on the ground in front of the couch and my suitcases where pushed into a corner. Hobi didn't have a big house but he still took me in. All of the guys' parents supplied them with a home in the area to help them attend the school. I had to work for mine since Jin and I's mother only wanted to pay for his. I close the door and Mickey runs down the hall to see me. Before we left Hobi had clipped a bow in the dog's hair. I sit on the couch and Mickey joins me. He stares at me waiting for pets. "heh I'm not sitting for long Mickey I gotta clean up the house before your owner gets home."I say to the little dog. I look to the mess before me. "This may take a bit though."

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