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PoV: Silver

"How's Sonic?" Blaze asked as she got home.

"Still depressed..." I replied, Sonic was crying over a romance tradgety at the moment.

"Maybe you should take him somewhere, he might need to get out of the house," Blaze suggested.

"Yeah, you know what, that might be what he needs," I checked to see if I had any cash left. I had a fair amount to use.

"Good, and take him somewhere nice," Blaze patted my shoulder.

"You're not coming?" I asked.

"No, I don't want to be a third wheel," she laughed.

"It's not a date, we're just gonna hang out."

"What ever, just hurry up and take him out, and get him to shower before you go," she walked off and it was just me in the hallway.

"Man..." I groaned and walked up to Sonic, "Hey, Sonic. You wanna take a quick shower?"

"I'm okay here with my movies," he replied, still wrapped up in the blanket he's had all week, "I showered yesterday."

"I'll... I'll hold you hand... you know... while you shower... so you're not scare of drowning..." It was an awkward thing to say but it made Sonic turn off the TV, get up, and take a shower. So long as he had my hand he was fine.


"Ready to go?" I asked after Sonic dried himself off.

"Go where?" He looked at me as he fixed his quills.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you, we're going out to lunch," I said.

"Why? Why are we leaving?" He backed away from me, "Do you not want me here anymore?"

"No Sonic, it's not that at all. But some fresh air might do you some good you know. Help you clear your head," I took his hand and put his glove back on.

"I don't want to clear my head, I only have our memories left!" He was freaking out, I grabbed him.

"Hey, you won't forget him. Okay. He's always going to be with you. You can't live your life sitting around and feeling sad. Fleetaway would want you smile again, not keep crying, right?"

  He hugged me, crying. I rubbed his back until he called down and helped him get his shoes back on. Once he was ready we left the house.


"See, this isn't so bad," I fixed a quill of his that had gotten loose as he ate a chillidogs.

"Yeah... it kinda nice actually," his voice was soft, but I could see it. His soft smile as he gazed at his half eaten chillidog.

"There's that smile, you look so much better with that smile on your face," I nudged him and he let out a low breath of a laugh.

"Shut up, it's nothing special," he pushed me away in a playful manner.

"Hey," I put a hand on his shoulder, "You're gonna be fine. You'll get passed this."

"I hope so," he held my hand, clenching it a bit.

"I know so."


  We got home a little late. Blaze the in the livin room. I was making Sonic some hot chocolate in the kitchen with him. I finished the cups and we sat together at the counter.

"You know, there was this one time where we stayed up all night long. Just the two of us," Sonic was going on with his memories about Fleetaway as we sipped the cocoa. I listened to him talk.


"Oh shoot, one second," I had dropped my spoon on the ground.

"I got-" we stopped, both of us... centimeters away from each other's faces. We had both tried reaching for the same spoon, "...it..."

"I um... uh..." Sonic let go of the spoon, "Sorry..."

"No, no... its... it's fine..." I couldn't find the will to back away...

   It was quiet... and he was so close and slowly getting close. The feeling on my lips, the sensation... His were soft and moist... Smooth, like silk. Warm and almost creamy. His tongue was soft and sweet... Sonic's lips... His tongue... his...

"Shit," I pushed away and stepped away from him, "I can't, I can't do this with you..."

"I'm sorry... I didn't know what came over me... I..."

"I'm straight," I told him, "I can't do this... not with you..."

"... it's fine... I've over stayed my welcome anyway... now I've crossed a line..." Sonic got up.

"That's not what I ment, it's just... augh..." I couldn't think of the right words.

"Silver... I'll be okay... I'll... I'll see you around," he walked out the door and that was it... he didn't come back that night.

"He's not coming back Silver," Blaze placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Then I'll go find him," I left and went looking for him.
PoV: Sonic

"What the fuck is wrong with me..." I broke down in the middle of the road. It was dead if night, and I was alone, "What was I thinking... I kissed a straight guy, why did I miss him?"

  It was cold, I'd need to rent a room at an inn to sleep tonight. I got up and started walking when I heard something.

"AHH!" I was grabbed and pulled high off the ground. A steel claw had me, above it was the cable, connected to the last person I wanted to see... "Eggman..."

"Ohohoho! I've finally captured you rodent," he laughed, "And this time, you won't escape!"

  I didn't have the strength to fight as he dragged me away, damn it... Why am I such an idiot?
PoV: Silver

"Sonic!" I couldn't find him anywhere... I flew over the city and asked around in hotels and inns. Sonic had vanished.

"Damn it Sonic, where did you go?"


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