1: Stranger

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~What is your name? Do you have a place to go?
Oh could you tell me, I saw you hidden in this garden~

Jungkook POV

"Eomma why do I have to go to public school? Why can't I just be home schooled like I have been all my life? That way no one can see my face."

I look at my mum who is sitting on the dining table not paying much attention to me because well...she never loved me. No one loves me. Because no one can love me. That is my life and my fate.

My mum looks at me before saying "Because there isn't anymore teachers that can home school you."

"Then why can't I just quit school?" I say desperately. I didn't want to risk anyone seeing my face. Even though I could wear a mask, it still doesn't cover everything. I don't want anyone to see me. No one wants to see me. And so I must hide myself. But that won't be easy to do at public school, which is why I have always been homeschooled.

My mum looks at me as if I had said something wrong. "Do you think I want to waste my money on education for someone as useless as you?" She says ice coldly.

Ouch. That hurts. But then again...I'm used to it. My mother has never praised me in my life. I'm used to being told I am and never will be worth anything. It is normal for me. Mum told me my dad left her when I was born and I am to blame but she never told me why. Maybe that's why she hates me so much. My dad because of me...but why? Was he ashamed of me? ...Maybe my mum does care for me. She has given me the most care anyone has ever done, and I should be thankful.

I sigh before going to my room. I have a small room with a single bed at one side and a window at the other side. I have a small closet with only worn out and old clothes. The paint on the walls are wearing out and everything is old. I also have a bedside table with my valued possessions in them.

I change into a black hooded jumper and jeans. I go to my bedside table and open the first drawer. I pull out a black mask. The one that many people wear, for fashion, if sick, or just for the sake of wearing it. But my purpose is to hide myself. I don't like these masks because they still show the top of my face, so I put on contact lenses to fake my eyes and pull my hood over my head to hide my face as much as possible.

I have a few masks that cover my entire face. Ones like these.

But of course I couldn't wear them in public because people might get a little frightened

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But of course I couldn't wear them in public because people might get a little frightened. But I have them anyway. It makes me feel safe knowing that I have something to hide my whole face.

After I get ready, I pack!my bag with a few things before heading out of the house. But rather than walking to my new school I head to my secret place. A garden of flowers. I make my way there with my bag slung over one of my shoulders. Once I arrive I am greeted by dozens and dozens of different types of flowers all over the garden as the their scent start to fill my nostrils. I love the flowers. I love this place. It makes me feel safe. It is the only place that I could go and no one is there. It is the only place where I can part from my fears and breathe. It is a place where I can forget all my worries and simply enjoy the flowers company.

Since I have time before school starts, I walk around the garden. No one really comes here because it's at the edge of the town. And I like it that way because I can be alone.

I wonder around forgetting all my fears as the breeze hits my face gently. I take a deep breath when I see a figure sitting at a bench. That is my bench and someone else is sitting there!

And that's when I met you.

Slowly I walk closer and see you with your eyes closed and your hands resting on your lap. Your bag was resting beside you. You are beautiful. Unlike anyone I have ever seen. On your lap is also a photo. Although I can't see what it is of from this distance.

The wind picks up its paste slightly and the delicate photo slips from your lap and starts flying my way. Your eyes shoot open and you immediately get up to chase the photo. I stand where I am as the photo just happens to stop right at my feet. I bend down to pick it up and I see it is a family photo. Your arms are wrapped around what I'm assuming is your mother, and I think your older brother with his arms around their father.

Just before I can examine it further you gently take it out my hand. I look up at you and see you have brown hair that was the same shade as mine, along with gorgeous hazelnut eyes and soft pink lips. Your cheeks are slightly tinted pink as you hold the photo tightly.

"Umm...thanks for that" Your angelic voice said to me. Are you real? Are you an angel?

I'm too stunned by your beauty, I forget how to speak. You look down slightly embarrassed then said "Well...maybe I'll see you around." And with that you go back to the bench, grab your bag and leave

"Wait!" I call out, but you are already gone.

I didn't even get to ask you what your name was.

The Truth Untold| J.JK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now