8: Show You Me?

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~What I can do is,
In this garden
In this world
I bloom a pretty flower that looks like you
And breathe as the me you know
But I still want you
I still want you~

Weeks went by and I didn't go to see you like we usually do. Everyday like always I go to our meeting place and see you there, waiting for me...but I never show myself. You must think I've left you. But I've left before you could leave me, so I wouldn't get hurt when you do.

I didn't see you again after that day. I kept myself away from you. It's been many weeks but still I see you walk past the garden, as if your looking to see if today I've come. You look upset that we've gone distant. That we no longer see each other. Despite how long it's been since we last saw each other, you still come and check, just in case I'm there.

Of course I am. But not in front of you.

It's afternoon now and here I am sitting in this garden. I came here as school finished. I sit down on the grass beside many bloomed flowers, with my bag beside me. I've taken my mask off because I know no one is here.

Today I feel different. I feel slightly...happy?

Third POV

Jungkook has 10 minutes left of his free period and decides to spend that in the library. Free period was the best time of school for him because he could be alone and he wasn't in a classroom full of people. The library is alway quiet and no one's paying attention to him unlike in class or during break.

Jungkook walks through a few corridors when he hears whimpering and soft cries. He raised his eyebrows curious about what that was. He walks towards the noise and found himself stranding in front of the girls bathroom. As soon as Jungkook realised what room it was he turns around to walk away but then he hears a males voice inside. Jungkook turns back around thinking 'what is a guy doing inside there!' He walks back up to the door and listened. Then he hears Sooyun's voice. Jungkook immediately becomes alert. He hasn't heard her voice for such a long time. Jungkook opens the door slightly and widened his eyes at the sight.

Sooyun was pinned against the wall by Sungmin, also known as the schools bully. "S-Sungmin l-let go of me! You...You shouldn't be in here" She stutters nervously as Sungmin pins her wrist beside her so she can't move and his face extremely close to hers.

"But you always manage to run away from me. Now I've finally caught you when we're alone" Sungmin whispers to her. Sooyun's terrified as he places a hand on her thigh and slowly moves it higher while she tries to cover her legs with her skirt.

Jungkook bites his lip as he watches the way Sungmin is inappropriately touching Sooyun. He wants to do something but doesn't know what.

"Sungmin, please stop. Let me go" Sooyun begs as tears start rolling down her cheeks. Sungmin ignores her and places his hungry lips on her neck. Sooyun tries to push him away but he holds her tighter. "Please...let go...find someone else to do this with..." She cries

"But I want you" Sungmin said and continued to inappropriately touch her.

Jungkook's fist clench seeing Sungmin put his dirty lips on her. He feels anger inside him seeing Sooyun afraid and harassed. He wants to save her but doesn't know if he can. He hated seeing that other guy touching her.

Sungmin drew his lips closer to Sooyun's and Jungkook couldn't bear to see what was about to happen next. So he ran inside and harshly pushes Sungmin away from Sooyun, making him hit the floor.

Sooyun looks at Sungmin in shock then up at her saviour. "She told you to let her go" Jungkook spoke confidently for the first time. Before Sungmin got a chance to get up, Jungkook grabs Sooyun's hand and runs out the door.

They both run until they were in an empty corridor and check to see if Sungmin was behind them. Once they realise he isn't, Sooyun looks at who had helped her. "You" She says softly as she looks at Jungkook, remembering her other encounters with him. "You saved me...Thank you."

Jungkook looks down shy. He also feels slightly emotional hearing someone say thank you to him for the first time. No one had ever thanked him for anything. He was always told he was a burden. "It's...It's fine."

Sooyun opens her mouth to say more but the sound of the school bell interrupts. "Sorry I have to go to class" Jungkook said and quickly left.

He walks to his class with a slight smile on his face. For the first in his life he had been confident and helped someone out. He didn't hide and run away, but he went and helped her.

End of flashback

Jungkook POV

A smile forms on my face again thinking about today's events. I've never done something like this before. Somehow this encounter gave me...courage? I think that...maybe...that has given me the courage to want to talk to you again.

Maybe...I should finally show you me. I want to look at you again. I want you to look at me again. Maybe it's time...that I take off my mask, just like you've told me to countless times.

I remember my mum's words about never being loved and then I rethink my thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't...

But then I think about your words about wanting someone next to you, wanting someone's warmth. I think back to how I helped you today and I feel like...I want to be there for you again. I want to protect you like that again.

But what if you don't like what you see behind my mask? What if you turn me down? What if you leave me?

Countless thoughts run through my head. I sigh and I put a hand in my pocket. I feel something inside and I take it out. I smile remembering I had put a seed in my pocket this morning to then plant in this garden.

I take a deep breath thinking about what to do. I then walk towards a tree where I have put a few gardening tools of mine and started planting the seed.

What I can do, is in this garden, in this world

I will bloom a pretty flower that looks like you

And breathe as the me you know

Because I still want you

Once this flower blooms, I will give it you...

And finally take off my mask for you

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