4: Masked Figure

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~You know that I can't show you me
Give you me
I can't show you a run-down part of myself
I wear a mask again and go to see you
But I still want you~

It's evening and I stay locked in my room sobbing to myself. I have nothing else to do. I lie on my bed looking at the ceiling. Why am I like this?

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a moment. Unknowing your imagines suddenly fill my head. I just met you today and I can't stop thinking about you. What is this I am feeling?

I want to see you. I want to know you. But you will never want someone like me. If only I could see you without you knowing it's me...

Then an idea comes to me.

Sooyun POV

I stand in the corridor outside my room with my body leaning against the wall and my ears listening attentively to my parents yelling at each other in the kitchen. They fight all the time and I hate it. Half the time the house is filled with their voices yelling at each other or it's filled with dead silence when their not speaking to each other. Sometimes it's really scary hearing them fight. But it's happening so often now that the fear has turned into sorrow. When will they stop? When will they realise that their kids are suffering too because their fighting all the time?

I look down at my hand which held a photo. It was taken at the beginning of this year and it is very precious to me. It's a simple photo of us sitting on the couch, my arms where around my mum and my older brother had his around my dad. A tear starts to roll down my face looking at our smiling faces. Not long ago we were a happy family unlike any other. Now all I hear is my parents yelling at each other or the opposite. Can't we be happy like before? Why did you even start fighting?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see my older brother. "Ji-sun Oppa" I say quietly. He looks at me with a sorrow expression. He hugs me tightly I let a few more tears run down my cheeks hearing my parents not far away from us.

"Oppa I'm sick of this" I whisper with my head in his chest. "I'm sick of hearing them fight with each other. I can't concentrate on school work because all I hear is them. And when their not fighting, they don't speak to each other and ignore each other which is just as frustrating as when their fighting. We can't spend time together anymore because of them. I hate it."

"I know Sooyun" Ji-sun said gently and strokes my hair. "I hate hearing them too. But we can't do anything about it."

"Really?" I say and look up at him. "Well I'm going to them now." I start walking along the corridor towards the kitchen. "No Sooyun" My brother calls, holding my arm trying to stop me. "Don't get yourself into this."

I look at him and take a deep breath. "No Oppa. We have to do something about this. What if they don't stop unless we tell them too?" And with that I walk straight into the kitchen towards my mum and dad. My mum is on one side on the counter and my dad on the other. They look at each other in fury. Seriously how can two people who have lived with each other for such a lone time start fighting like this all of a sudden? How many things are there to even argue about!

"Eomma, Appa stop fighting with each other all the time!" I yell over them with teary eyes. They immediately stop and look at me and my brother who is standing behind me as if ready to protect me if I need it.

"Sooyun why are you here?" My dad asks, annoying at my presence. "I'm here because I'm tired of hearing the two of you yelling at each other. I can't focus of my school work and neither and Ji-sun Oppa. We can't rest and sleep properly knowing you both keep fighting or give each other the silent treatment."

My dad walks up to me slowly and for some reason I become slightly scared. "Sooyun don't get in between your mum and I. This doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does concern me! I get scared of entering house now. I can barely be around you both anymore. I can't spend time with you both anymore. Of course it concerns me!" I yell back. My dad stays silent for a moment and I feel my brother tugging on my arm slightly as if signally me to leave right now because I just made dad even more angry.

"Don't you dare talk back to me Sooyun!" My dad shouts at me and I take a step back. "This is between me and your mum so don't come in the middle of things!" I try to hold back tears as I watch my dad leave the room in rage. I look over at my mum who has the same expression on and then she leaves the room too.

"Sooyun" Ji-sun says softly but I turn away and run out of the house. I slam the door behind me and run away. I hate this place. I hate home. I'd rather be anywhere but here, even school which most people despise.

I run to a place where I feel relaxed. A place that makes me feel at ease. A place where I can breath. I run to the garden of flowers at the edge of town. I love that place because no one is ever there except for hundreds of beautiful flowers.

Once I reach there I slow my pace and my breathing. I make my way to one of the benches and sit down. I put my head in my hands and calm myself down.

I stay there for a while in the silent night, quietly sobbing to myself.


Immediately I look up to see who called my name. I come face to face with a masked, cloaked figure standing a few metres away from me. I didn't get a good look at it but I scream and bolt up then run in the opposite direction.

"Wait! I don't want to hurt you."

I stop. Not because of what that person said. Pfft any kidnapper would say that, like I was going to believe it. But the males voice doesn't sound like a kidnapper. That's what made me stop. It sounded soft. I slowly turn around and look at the figure. It's a tall person dressed in a black cloak with a hood over its head. But the most interesting but slightly scary thing is its mask. The hooded figure is wearing a white mask with gold designing from the nose upwards and it completely covered this persons face, so I couldn't see who it is.

"How...How do you know my name?" I nervously say and slowly walk closer. The figure tilts its head. "I...I've met you...before" A scared yet gentle males voice comes through the mask. It seems like the male's nervous too. In fact probably even more than I am.

I stop walking until we were only 5 metres apart. "Why...Why are you here?" I'm confused why this person has come to see me and how they know me and why they're wearing a mask. Honestly this hooded figure looks a little scary but his voice is the opposite.

"I wanted to see you" The male said. I couldn't tell if he was smiling from the mask he wore. "I thought you might come here that's why I came."

Unknowingly a smile creeps on my face. "Really? Why did you want to see me?" I don't know why I was being friendly with a total stranger but there is something about his voice that made me feel like I can trust him.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see your beautiful face."

His voice sounds so smooth, so relaxing for some reason. I blush slightly at his compliment but thankfully it was too dark for him to see. "Umm...what's your name?" I ask.

"I...I don't have a name you can call me by" He says. I furrow my eyebrows. That sounds familiar as if I've heard someone else say the same thing. "Why are you wearing a mask? Can...Can I see your face?" I take a few steps closer to the figure but immediately he backs away as if scared. "N...No...No you can't. I...I can't...I'm sorry...I have to go."

"Wait!" I call out as he runs away into the darkness. But he doesn't turn around or look back and soon he is gone. I frown in confusion. He seemed so afraid when I asked about why he wore a mask.


Jungkook POV

I'm sorry.

I can't show you me.

Give you me.

I can't show you a run-down part of myself.

And so tomorrow I will wear a mask again and go to see you.

But I still want you~

The Truth Untold| J.JK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now