Chapter 14

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Nico's POV: (Nico's parents^)

It's finally moving day for Erin and Dolly so I help her pack up the last of her things into boxes, we don't really own much but I slip an instant pot, a small electric coffee pot and some dishes into a box labeled kitchen for her.

"I'll be eating at the cafeteria" She says giggling as she rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah I know but the cafeteria isn't always open when you're hungry especially if you're doing other things like working part time or interning, you might get caught between meals with your schedule so this way you can whip up something simple like pasta or noodles and believe me you can Never have enough coffee while studying." I laugh hugging her then hand her the box.

We continue on labeling everything and sealing the boxes then taking them out to my car. I'll be driving behind Erin's mom since we're all heading the same way. I run back into the apartment taking a small suitcase that I've packed non-perishable snacks instant coffee and food for the girls along with a letter and a couple extra $20 bills as a surprise for them when they unpack and find the stash, rolling it out I make sure to tuck it away from sight.

"Alright girls lets get this show on the road!" We climb into my car that looks like it's about to burst from the seems, my lip quivers but I bite it and grip the wheel. It takes no time at all to get everything carried in and then we take the tour around, I'm pleased with all of the resources and amenities. We go off for some pizza near by as a reward for all our hard work. One last visit to her dorm room and it hits me This Is It.. My little sister has finally flown the coup.

My fur surfaces my fluffy ears come out along with my soft fur and my slanted pupils as tears pour from my eyes. I hold onto her sitting on her bed as I stroke her head, she in turn has her fur out too looking so adorable my little kitty cat. We go full out into our fur transformation as she tucks herself into my soft belly. I wrap myself around her licking her head and neck, softly caressing her cheeks and rubbing myself on her letting her know she's still a part of me. 

She's still my baby sister and I love her dearly. Sometime later Erin comes in with burritos for dinner from a shop near by, Dolly is still sound asleep purring as her tail slowly sways back and forth. I carefully untangle myself from her and make my way to the bathroom with my clothes to shift back into my flesh self.

Erin and I sit and talk as I help her put items away wherever she wants them, as we finish up I take the time to hug her to me and start to cry again. "Please take good care of each other and call, text or drop by Any time day or night." I say squeezing her. "You know we will, we're family for life Nico, this is just another step forward in life, soon we'll be up to no good together." She says with a big smile making me giggle.. I know it's true "I love you Erin. I'm going to get going before it gets dark." Quickly making my get away before Dolly wakes up or I'll lose my composure again and might not be able to leave.

Driving back to my apartment stopping at a local coffee shop to get a drink through the drive through and then swing by Mc.D's for an order of Large Fries and a chocolate dipped ice-cream cone. Yeah I know it's just junk but whatever, I have to go back to my empty place and be alone. I don't ever remember being this lonely not even when I left France and moved out here by myself. Dolly took up a large chunk of my heart before I realized it, she's a blessing and my family that I chose for my own. I smile through the tears sobbing and eating my cone.

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