Chapter 33

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(Pic of Nico's parents^)

Nico's POV:

I'm ready for action! Not, ha ha ha.. well actually It's moving day and I'm dressed in light gray sweats, baby blue v-neck cotton shirt that I borrowed out of Damir's dresser, it fits just right and smells of him and comfy fuzzy memory foam house slippers to keep my feet comfortable, I just don't fit well into regular shoes at this point. 

He hired a team to box things as I walk around with my sticky labels marking boxes as to what room they go to and what contents are inside. I know I'm being a bit of a Queen but he won't let me even touch anything, all I get to do is point and direct. The men and women that came get to wrap and box all my items while I watch over the process. Management.. that's what I am.

Most of the furniture will be brought along for one of the spare bedrooms, and different areas around the house. I didn't want to replace everything since pieces of this our first place we lived together hold dear memories for me. Most importantly I'm carrying my digital memory files myself so I can get proper picture albums set up soon as well as a few large portraits made to hang on the walls.

We decided to get the moving done and settle a bit just before the wedding so it'll be smooth sailing after the honey moon. No stress just a bright new beginning. My excitement is almost palpable. Glancing at my watch I see its 10am, we've got just under two hours before my parents arrive, they'll be driving up to the new house with me to make sure the delivery and installment of everything is done properly. Once it's all done they'll stay over in our guest room since they won't be leaving back to France until after the wedding.

I'm certain I need all the help I can get being that I run out of energy often and being alone at home at this stage of my pregnancy makes me feel a bit nervous. If I could get away with it I'd have Damir drop work and attach myself to him 24/7 but since I can't at least Mom and I can do a lot of cooking while Dad and I can get to baking! *Ding my phone lights up*

A message from Damir that he'll be bringing lunch over before we leave here, aww.. One final meal before moving on. I text him back requesting some artichoke hearts and crab stuffed portablello mushrooms as well as pickled herring with red onion, dill and lots of lemon. Mom, Dad and Damir arrive almost at the same time, thankfully the dining table and chairs haven't been loaded yet so we enjoy our meal. As a surprise Damir has taken the rest of the day off. I burst out laughing then get flooded with tears. "Sorry, I'm all over the place with these crazy pregnancy hormones." He just shakes his head and wraps his arms around me pulling me out to the balcony for a private moment.

"Kitten, don't ever apologize for something like showing your emotions, right now you're doing the most important job ever. You are growing our babies within you and you are physically changing drastically in just a few short months, of course there will be highs and lows. That's what I'm here for, to love and support you in any way I can." I blush and hug him as best I can. His eyes sparkle with a bit of mischief as a chuckle escapes him so I swat his arm knowing he's having a laugh at my expense. I can barely get my arms around to his back being that the girls are taking up all the space between us.

Frustrated with myself I huff but he takes my face between his palms, his thumbs rubbing my cheeks as he bends forward lovingly kissing my lips, then a quick peck on the tip of my nose to defuse our tension. "Nico I'd be lying if I said I don't miss ravaging you. I find you 10 times more enticing right now knowing you're standing here so fertile, so full of life and love. The way your body moulds in my hands, your soft flesh and firm curves. If we were alone I'd bend you over and have my way with you all day long." He admits with pride and lust dripping from every word, so close to my ear that shivers shoot down my spine as I feel my body sway against his. I close my eyes and inhale his scent enveloping me in pheromones that drive me close to the edge I can't help but moan against his firm chest. "I love you Damir" Sighing as he soothingly rubs my back and hips.

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