KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 3

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Milinda of the Archive:
Gaia called a meeting of koala and kala bears, on Kangaroo Island. Sirius sent their agent Silverfox to represent.

Kala Bear Delegate (shouting):

Koala 1:
That's a bit harsh isn't it? They're not all bad. Can't we all just get along? Perhaps if we asked them to leave the trees alone. I'm sure they'd be reasonable if we asked them nicely.

Koala 2: 
I'm tired.

Koala 3:
I'm hungry.

The koala host broke up the meeting for the afternoon. The koalas snoozed but the kalas got bored, went exploring. They found someone's marijuana patch hidden in the bush and so they  snacked on the resinous heads.
Kala bears are very fond of marijuana. However, it brings out the worst in them. They went crazy and attacked the snoozing koalas. Silverfox waded into the kala mob, snapping and punching left and right till they gave it up and took off into the bush. 
Silverfox copped a pretty bad clawing but he's ok.
Quote: "Scars make me strong."

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