KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 66

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 The Lady Green Dog:

The soma season in our region was drawing to a close. Our friends were drying soma to sustain them on the journey to the next region. We had spent a delightful season but now Silverfox wanted me to meet his guru, the mysterious Lama Winnie.

So we took the cure. Most folk quit at the end of a local season, as it moves into summer. Some go to the beach, to play with the seals. Others get fit in the battle camps. Some go to the shaman camps and gobble the mystical dream fungi with the bears. Some, like myself, get productive.

I write poetry, teach astronomy.

I've seen the intense physical and mental trauma of withdrawal on Earth. Then comes the long empty days and longer nights. Empty of happiness, empty of contentment.  It breaks my heart.

There's none of that on Sirius. 

When we're ready to detox we go to the healers. They use crystal to focus and channel healing into the addict's body. This clears and straightens the nadis, re-energising the chakras. This realigning of the core energy systems rapidly re-sets hormonal chemistry and neural firing. 

The addict sleeps for a night then wakes completely restored, radiant with life.

Silverfox told me about his earlier days on Earth, when Winnie put him in a total psychic/cellular sync with Neil. The sync meant they shared the same experience when Neil put himself through an opiate withdrawal. The fox was horrified. It awoke in him the desire to bring the healing methods of Sirius to the addicts of Earth. A project fully supported by Lama Winnie.

Anyway, back on Sirius, Silverfox and I took the cure. Once again full of life, we romped and ran for three days and nights to the great bear forests. 

No romping in there.

Tensions still exist with some of the bears who had supported Bulga (the mad) and never really accepted the peace accord with the canines. But we passed without incident. We shared time with some friendly bears and finally made our way to the deep forest, where the care bears live.

The care bears are the Pooh Bears, the Teddys, the Pinkys etc.

These are the Bodhisattvas, the ones who care. These bears have gone beyond the need for meat bodies and instead create their own forms according to the needs of children. They are very popular on Earth where most go to carry out their bodhisattva work.

A care bear will often reincarnate again and again with the child they care for. This is the case with our Winnie who has been incarnating as Jenny's carer, and Neil's friend, for many lives now.

Once the connection with a child is made the care bear will continue to look after that child, in various forms, for the rest of their life.

Many of these great bodhisattva's have reached emanation stage which means they can produce other bodies at will, identical to the original or in whatever form will benefit their human.

This explains the extraordinary scene we stumbled on when we finally reached Winnie.

There were seven or eight Winnies, sitting in a circle. One of them stands, says:

"Since all phenomena arise dependent on causes and conditions, can my consideration of a given thing act as cause and condition to alter the appearance of that thing?"

Another Winnie jumps up, says:

"Of course not stupid fat bear. Your consideration of an arisen thing is nothing but the consideration of your own generic image of that thing. And since your projected generic image was never one with the arisen thing anyway all you can influence is your own stupid fat head."

"Who you calling stupid fat bear stupid fat bear?"

Next thing they're all up chasing each other around the circle. Then they're wrestling in a heap on the ground until finally, they all merged into one body. One Winnie.

This Winnie came over to us, punched Silverfox, and bowed most graciously before me.

"my der green dog. im am winnie and im am ver happy for to meet you. im am ver happy you and silverfox be frens now. im hav been waiting long time for you. is ver good silverfox brig you to me."

From that day on Winnie has been my Lama.

Although he's terribly rough with Silverfox he has never shown me anything but the kindness of a grandmother.

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