KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 15

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When I first arrived here, on Earth, Sirius arranged a full psycel (psychic/cellular) sync between myself and the earthling Neil. It was done to give me some insight into the workings of this strange place. The connection has indeed taught me much.

The psycel link has now served it's purpose. Neil and I have returned to our original forms. The fox runs free.

Commander Winnie, my mentor and friend, says witnessing is part of our work here. I therefore offer the following, my first report, to the Archive.

On Planet Earth : The Sirius agent Silverfox

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On Planet Earth : The Sirius agent Silverfox.

Earth is diseased. Only the eternal compassion of Gaia for her wards prevents total collapse. Here, every creature that creeps and crawls, slithers and runs, swims and flies, every day and every night eats or is eaten by another. If they all screamed their pain and terror like humans do, this planet would be deafening.

As for the humans, the majority exist in poverty. Billions living with disease, dying horrible deaths, starving on a planet of plenty. On top of this, in their madness for more, the strong make war. They rape, torture, and slaughter the weak.

TV calls all this Third World, like it's some other place.

neil, its nice to see you back, but is everything ok? you were very missed...the world is a mess but there are pockets of love...and there is a pathway through it, I hope! we got ya back now, Brother.

First world is the land of fat food and fast cars and get what you want. It's where new age delusionists talk of a benevolent universe where you can attract whatever you want by some kind of magic wishing. There is a truth, that of affirmation, but the laws here are so misunderstood.

Attraction is a false path, a path of greed over need. For every Oprah who attracts wealth, a million others get dust and disease. What do these privileged first worlders really bring?

Every day hundreds of thousands of children are raped for their internet entertainment. Tons, yes tons, of narcotics pass through the planet's youth with no concept of the damage to come. People watch a TV world of happy families while the real families beat and bicker and peck and their teenagers take the psych drug lottery to stop them from punching walls. Teens living for half poison gangster grown hydro marijuana while God's own bush bud goes to the boomers. Neil's teen muse told him, "We are the worst generation there has ever been."

Dropping the truth bombs there, Neil.

And taking all this in are the children. Their eyes and ears are open. They see, they hear it all. Every insult, every hurt, they store in secret. The collection grows and in their frightened little hearts, they know this truth - they are not safe, nor will they ever be.

Canopus, with forehead to the floor I beseech you.
It's time to fulfil your vows.
Get off your clouds, come to the aid of pitiful Earth.

Thus, I submit my official report.


Now I must speak to you, Neil and Winnie.

My dears, I'm sorry, but I can't take this.
I can't stay.
If only I had your mighty heart dear Winnie. Always you are kind, you laugh and play. You weep over some horror and next minute you're up dancing and whooping like some crazy African 'til I can't stand for laughing.
And Neil, comrade, soul brother. How is it you never give up, never take the extra hit that ends the struggle? Your opium is so like our soma back on Sirius. After all, that's why Winnie called me here, to get me away from the stuff.
Sirius synced us Neil, said I might learn something, but I fear we just egged each other on. You say you're a coward yet over and over you choose withdrawal, you choose to ride out the pain for little more reason than ... it's time.
Comrade, forgive me, I can't do like that.

So I've decided to go.
I need to get beyond the reach of your sun.
I need to be where it's cold, and dark, and utterly still.

All love.

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