KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 7

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Silverfox : To Comrade Jenny

My dear Jenny, if you've been following these reports you'll know the kala bear wars do not go well. The kalas grow ever stronger, ever more wicked. Their influence has spread right right across Australia now and word is they seek global domination.

Not possible? With demon backing it is.

I have synced with our mutual friend, comrade Neil. We have achieved a full mind/body meld and together we gather the allies, but we are so out gunned.

In the multiverse as we know it there is really only one with the strength, compassion and karmic connections, to truly stand against the kala bears.

We need our champion.

We need Winnie.

I realise he has grown old, has fulfilled his duty as your childhood companion and protector. He has earned the right to spend his old age in meditation with you and Rinpoche. But there is a way.

He could stay with you there but at the same time emanate an avatar, a Nirmanakaya form body  of his young self, to stand with us here. (Note 2.)
In his youthful wrathful warrior form he would be the perfect rallying point, the heroic inspiration we so desperately need.

Could you approach him on our behalf Jenny? Give him this message?

Homage to the three jewels of refuge.
I prostrate and make offerings.

Dear Winnie
How are you, old friend? I miss you.
Truth tell, we are in serious trouble here. Remember that first kala bear you and Neil met at Chenrezig? You punched his lights out? Well, he was just the start. The kala numbers and wickedness grow. They spread like a disease.
So my mind turns to you.
Few things can stand against a punch in the face from your corduroy paw. That's the kind of thing a kala bear understands, the kind of leadership the resistance needs.

My lord, I beg you, recall the vows you made to liberate all beings from the sufferings of samsara. Consider the rapidly approaching Great Transition.
The kala bears have invoked the dark side and that darkness now threatens the transition itself. 
Together, you and me, we can the gather the allies and restore the balance.

So, with Canopus as my witness, I beseech you.
For the sake of sorrowful Earth I request you emanate a form body of your mighty young warrior self, to stand with us here.

All love,


Can you pass that on Jenny?
I just hope we have the karma behind us to propel Winnie into action, to gift us with his strength, the inspiration of his leadership.
And truth be told in my own selfish heart, I miss him terribly.
I look forward to your reply my sister.

May you be well.
May you be happy.
May all your good wishes be fulfilled.

(Note 2.)
In the Buddhist tradition they speak of the Three Kayas, or bodies.

'Dharmakaya' is the formless body of enlightened mind.

'Sambhogakaya' is enlightened mind in a subtle body of limitless form. This form can be visualised and accessed in meditation.

'Nirmanakaya' is the manifestation of enlightened mind in an infinite variety of forms, within the physical world.

The Buddha who appeared in a physical body was Nirmanakaya.
A teacher, a book or a situation can all be manifestations of Nirmanakaya.


Pic: Christopher Robbin at prayer by EH Shepard. (From AA Milne's Winnie the Pooh.)


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