KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 33

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Milinda of the Archive:

Comrades, with the recent kidnapping of Silverfox by GUteater and his kala bear minions, Commander Winnie has asked me to provide a little background to Silverfox.

Silverfox is an agent of Sirius Home, the main planet of the Dog Star system, and an understanding of Silverfox needs must include an understanding of Sirius.

Like all Sirians, Silverfox is a shape shifter, with his chosen form the fox. Most Sirius folk choose to be canine, bear or seal, but they also maintain a human form. This they adopt for its dexterity when working in the labs.

Unlike Earth, science on Sirius is dedicated to well-being via healing and mind-matter manipulation. Through these sciences, especially genetics, they have developed self-healing bodies. These bodies they discard every 100 years or so and replace, a process similar to reincarnation on Earth but with greater conscious control. Replacement bodies are almost always the same as the original, but they still go through a process of childhood. These bodies all have the capacity to heal overnight any injuries suffered through the day. It's this ability to keep coming back that is now enabling GUteater to continue his torture of Silverfox day after day after day.

Sirius and Earth have been karmically connected for aeons now. In fact, Sirius was behind the transition of Genus Australopithecus to Genus Homo, and eventually Homo Sapien.

During this long evolution, many humans have witnessed Sirius agents in dog to human transition. Sirius agents were once quite open about this. However, Earthlings misunderstood the process and so they created their stories about werewolves and monsters. Those stories have at times set back Earth/Sirius relations, so Sirius increasingly went underground. These days Sirius agents keep a lower profile, quietly integrated as family pets and wild creatures.

Silverfox himself chooses to remain in fox form while he is here on Earth. He pretends to be Neil's pet when dealing with straight society. For straight society a fox pet is bad enough, but a fox that talks? Too much.

I have personally known Silverfox and Winnie since the days of the Buddha. This was a few lives before I gained some fame as King Milinda (You could Google my history as King Milimda if you're interested.) 

When we first met, Winnie was a monk bear and Silverfox a tanglefoot pup on his first visit to Earth. We three became great friends and have remained so in various incarnations over these last 2500 years. Silverfox became Winnie's first follower and remains his chief disciple to this day.

In his early lives the fox had pale grey fur, but as he progresses along the enlightenment path his fur has grown brighter with each incarnation, till today it is a superbly luminous silver. -

Pic: Silverfox.
Original artwork by Gary Waters, who gets the KBW vision.

Original artwork by Gary Waters, who gets the KBW vision

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