KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 85

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 Milinda of the Archive:

The trip back to Earth was much the same as the trip out so the Archive has decided to skip the months it took.

Needless to say, after all that went down on Sirius, it was a wonderfully relaxing time for the company. They lounged around the pool, swam with Dorothea and the charming little Jebus.

Winnie and Winnie B, Chimie, Neil and Josepina, sparred and exchanged martial ideas and tricks. 

MC and Deb got stuck into the reference materials that I was able to crystal through to them, so they wouldn't fall behind in their studies. They also talked about their kids a lot.

Green Dog sang and gave lessons in basic astronomy, taking advantage of the crispy clarity of the starry cosmos shining bright in the vacuum of space.

There was one incident though that will interest. The following was received from Silverfox. A report as punchy and to the point like the fox himself.


Greetings Milinda. I thought you might like to include a report on the recent Sirius v Lizards battle. It went like this.

We were on our way back to Earth when Commander Winnie took us on a side trip to observe a minor star go supernova. It was there we encountered the Lizard fleet. We suspected they were also heading for Earth and out here was a good place to practice tactics, so we engaged.

Winnie said it's time for a culling. He ordered a suspension of our bodhisattva vows (to protect life). The lizards are barely sentient clones anyway, plus Canopus promised to raise their consciousness with death. As fully sentient beings they will have the same opportunities to evolve, or devolve, as the rest of us.

Great for them. Doesn't help us much though. They're clones. Every one we drop another one appears, an endless supply of idiots.

We hooked up the battle theme, on LOUD, went boom crash opera on their scaly arses.

Needle dancers lasering lizard shells.
I love the smell of melting bone.
The drama of exploding metal.

We swung the good ship 'Beyond' through the medley and came up on the 'Yawning Abyss', their battle star. Smacked a hole in the side. In we went like wolves on heat. This is my thing, the throat rip. I'm good at it. Damn lizards taste like shit though. 

We smashed and thrashed through to the com deck. Guess who. Fucking GUteater. 

Winnie went for him. 

Up on the shoulders, grab the ears, swing 'em to the ground. Classic Winnie move. Pounded his face to mush. GUteater's backsliding all over the floor, snivelling for mercy out his blood hole mouth . I'd a finished him, but Winnie let him up.

GUteater comes out with this 'Winnie, I am your father' shit so we threw him out the hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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