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As the days went by little Grace Winchester lived and grew with her lovely fathers. She took her first walk, spoke her first word, even started school later on.

Her parents couldn't be anymore proud and happy of her if they tried.

But as the days went on, Dean grew older and older. He would see there baby girl grow up to be an adult, a grown woman. Castiel didn't grow up though, he stayed the same, stayed as an angel, like he would be forever.

Grace soon found a husband, a handsome young man by the name of Jack. Dean didn't like Jack at first, but as he got to know him, he liked him, and was happy Grace found someone. Castiel was happy when he met Jack, they all ate supper together in beautiful harmony, full of laughter and love.

The days grew on though, and Dean grew older.

The day was the day, he turned 70.

Castiel, Grace, Jack and himself were all in the hospital room, singing happy birthday to him as he blew out the candles.

He smiled happily at all of them. Grace and Jack stayed for a little bit, until they had to go home to their little one, being babysitter at home.

Dean looked at Castiel when the two left.

"We both know what's going to happen my love,"
Dean said softly with a smile looking at his husband.

"Not yet dear, not yet,"
Castiel said tears in his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm scared too. I will see you soon though right? Again? Maybe I'll look young again,"
Dean said with a small chuckle.

Castiel nodded.

"I'll be there before you know it my dear,"
Castiel said softly.

Dean nodded.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

Dean then died staring at the love of his life. Castiel cried softly, but then went to Heaven to see his love again, his handsome beautiful husband, in his glorious Heaven above.

They would spend there lives there, never growing old, never growing apart, as Castiel visited there daughter, and Dean did in spirit, being a dick and knocking over plates and cups and stuff whenever he could, like a damn cat.

And that ladies and gentlemen is the story of how an angel and a human fell in love peacefully.

The End... for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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