the buddi song

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  "Do you wanna sing the buddi song before bed?" Chucky asked, playing with the fur on his teddy bear.
"Of course, sweetheart. You don't have to ask me every night, y'know," you climbed into bed next to him, dragging him under the covers and to your chest. You chuckled. "I'm always gonna say yes."
"Andy never wanted to sing the buddi song," he murmured.
"Aw, well it's his loss. To be honest it helps me fall asleep," you grinned and nestled your face against his. "As long as you're with me you can sing your little heart out."
Spurred by the mention of his owner's appreciation, Chucky nuzzled against you and began to sing his little song. You listened to every word as your eyes slowly shut and you gave into the arms of sleep.
You awoke with a violent jolt, forcing yourself to stay down and scan your surroundings frantically. The nightmare had caused you such a fright, you didn't even know where you were at the moment.
That is until you heard the quiet buzzing of gears beneath your ear, and looked up to meet Chucky's concerned blue eyes.
"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" he whispered.
Relief flowed through you at the sight of the familiar face, but quickly vaporized when you remembered what had startled you. Your grip on him tightened and tears began to cloud your vision.
Chucky didn't need you to tell him that you were in distress. Immediately sensing your unhappiness, he began to run a hand through your hair, his other hand on the side of your face.
"It's okay, (Y/n). Don't cry, I'm right here," he murmured.
  And for the second time that night, he sang to you.
  "You are my buddy, until the end," he crooned.
  You focused on the softness of his sweater as you buried your face into his shoulder. The feel of the wool on your face and the fingers in your hair soothed you quickly. You allowed your heavy eyelids to fall again, quickly forgetting about the nightmare and instead listening to Chucky's comforting words. Even after he had finished, he still held you close and made sure to keep an eye out for anything lurking in the dark.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)," the android whispered, smiling from ear to ear when he sensed that you had calmed down. "I love you."
Too tired to speak, you just gave the doll a squeeze and dozed off once more.

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