Chapter 9; Renee

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We stepped out the doors as we began our long journey. Luckily it was rather warm, and it wasn't windy or anything. I lead at the front, Max' map in hand.

We eventually got hungry and stopped at a small group of trees to eat. There was a log that we all began to sit on, figuring it was better than sitting on the ground.

I sat first, followed by Ohm, Entoan, Dlive, then Adam, because for some reason, even though there was room next to Adam on the log, Lizzie sat on the ground. In fact, she had been acting weird around Adam all day. I would have to question her about that later.

"Is that..?" Ohm began to ask pointing at something far away, past a couple of hills. I squinted into the sunlight. There was a simple, wooden fence. But on the other side of that fence was a huge, bustling city.

"What?" I questioned.

"It's the barrier." Lizzie replied unhesitatingly.

"Excuse me?" Dlive asked, rather confused.

"We are currently in the reserve." She replied calmly.

"Like... An Indian reserve?" Entoan asked.

Lizzie nodded, "Thiscountry that Max lives in... It's pretty big but it's the only one."

"But why is it a reserve?" Adam asked curiously.

"It's made for people who like living in the country. Well, that and any sex offenders."

Adam gave her a wide-eyed look.

"Oh don't worry." Lizzie reassured him. "We can trust Max." She finished, glaring daggers at Adam.

"Lizzie, how did you know all of this?" Ohm asked.

"Last night. " She began. "I read some of Max' books from his library."

Odd. I hadn't seen any historical books when I looked through his library.

I dismissed that thought from my head as we began to head towards the "barrier".

Once there we were immediately picked up but a hover taxi. I looked down at the directions Max gave to me.

"To the Central Trade Square." I told the driver, handing him some money Max had given me.

"So Lizzie, the whole rest of the world is like this big bustling city?" Entoan suddenly asked.

"Mmmhmm," She replied, simply nodding her head.

Once at the square we stepped out and began to look for a fruit and herbs stand.

I soon spotted one with a lady with red hair and tattoos up her arm behind the counter.

"Excuse me miss," I spoke as she liked up at me.

"We're looking for a Renee Reynosa."

She looked startled for a moment before nodding her head.

"Right this way please," She spoke soft and polite.

We followed her behind her counter where there was a door leading to a large room, filled with stock.

Ohm, being the last one in the room, turned and shut the door and I immediately felt something force against my body as the red headed lady held me against the wall.

"Where have you heard that name?" She asked directly. I struggled with my words, as she was pinning against my throat.

"ANSWER ME!" I heard Lizzie give a cry of distress as the others exchanged worried glances and began to advance toward me. I held out my hand as to stop them.

"Max," I managed to mumble as I saw her face loosen up. "Max Gonzalez."

She released her grip.

"I'm Renee." She spoke quietly. "I'm guessing you're looking for some bourbane?" Lizzie eagerly nodded.

"We need it..." She began. "To save our friend."

"Of course." She said, beginning to fumble through some boxes.

"Soooo, how's Max doing?" She asked hopeful.

"Good. He's doing just fine." I spoke.

"Good, good." She spoke, showing a small smile on her face.

Adam giggled and all of Renee's attention switched to him.

She suddenly got up close to his face.

"No... no it can't be..." She grabbed his chin forcefully and looked him up and down.

"No... No." She said, looking extremely concerned.

"W... what?" Adam asked, now terrified.

"Leave." She spoke suddenly, shoving a baggie with bourbane inside in the palm of my hand.

"Quickly." She said, beginning to push us out the door.

Once out we just stood there for a second.

"So, I guess that means we should start heading back right?" Ohm began. I noticed Lizzie beginning to space out.

"Better get a taxi I gue-" Entoan spoke, being suddenly interrupted by Lizzie.

"Adam, duck." She said suddenly, but calmly.

Adam began to question her.

"ADAM, DUCK!" She was now screaming. He began to do as told but it was too late. The dart was now sticking out of the back of his neck as people gathered around him.

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