Chapter 17; Voices

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A/N I am really really bad at creating long chapters, and I'm sorry for that. My mind just wanders easily soooooo my target is 1000 words. I know it isn't much but hey it's a good place to start.


I walked out my door and down the hall to Lizzie's sleeping quarters. We were all meeting there to talk about our mastermind-plot. I came up to the door and did the secret knock. Knock twice, pause, then once more. She soon opened it a crack and peered through. She opened the door the rest of the way and let me in. I walked in and sat down on her bed. Everyone was there... except for Adam. I suddenly heard the secret knock at the door and we all knew it was Adam. As Lizzie opened the door for him, and he walked in, I noticed he was gasping for breath.

"Adam what's up?" I asked. The nanner man began to speak, but could not. Instead, he simply smiled and began to pull his coat away from his chest. He reached into the pocket and pulled out a big blue gem. The royal gem. Everyone stood up, surrounding Adam in good words and glee. And just like that, I could tell. They all just forgave him. Just like that. Minx could die because of him, but he got them gem. The gem that wasn't going anywhere soon. The gem that brought us to this wretched place. 

I snapped back to reality as Lizzie began to speak. 

"Here's our plan, well, our plan of which will be slightly modified now that we have the royal gem." We all nodded as she continued. "So, in approximately," She stopped, holding her watch up to her face, " Four hours, troops will be sent out to attack Max Gonzales. Therefore, we'll be leaving in three hours. Just because we'll be leaving earlier however, does not mean we will be getting there an hour earlier than the troops. They have quicker travel than us. But that's perfect. We want to save our little Minxy Poo as soon as they start their attack. They won't be able to get to the house yet, we can sneak Minx out without them noticing, then help them win." She said with a smile, and laughing a little, obviously seeing our concerned faces. 

"But how do you know they will win?" Dlive asked. 

"Yeah, they have bigger troops AND weapons." Ohm added, causing Lizzie to laugh even more. 

"That's for me to know, and you all to find out." She said with a smile, as Entoan suddenly gasped as if realizing something. 

"Lizzie, do you already know how this is going to end because your, mind powers, or whatever?" He asked as we all began to understand. But Lizzie just turned towards him, looked him straight in the eye, and simply said,"Nope." with a little giggle.

Giving up we all began heading to the door. "See you all in three hours!" Lizzie said cheerfully as she shut the door behind us.


I immediately went to my room, shutting the doors tightly behind me. "Heeeyyy Adammmmm..." The voices were already getting louder. "Your friends don't like you." I heard the millions of voices saying different things. "Killl themmmm..." "Yeahhh Adammm, why nott?" "They onlyyyy likeee you becauseeee of the gemmmm." They were becoming louder and louder. "Theyyyy cannn  neverrrr forgivvveeee you Adammmm." "Sooooo why not killll them Adammmmm?" Louder and louder.

"STOP SAYING MY NAME!" I yelled, grasping at my head. "Theyyyy don'tt likeee you Adammm." "They don't likeee youuuuuuu" There was a small laugh as the voices continue. I had to keep my eyes open. If I close them, it gets dark, and they come back. I went back to my corner and began sobbing once more. Maybe the pain will end this time.


We were all at the door except Adam. 

"No, you know what, I'm going to go get him." Ohm finally said, breaking the silence between us all. He headed up the flight of stairs as the rest of us stood their silently. He returned, running. "Guys, you need to see this." We all ran up the stairs. The only thing we could see walking in, was an empty room with nothing but a letter and the royal gem on his bed. Everyone began searching the room  as Lizzie silently read the note. I moved on to the next room, as I noticed there was a window. An open window. I slowly, cautiously stepped up to the windowsill, afraid to look down when suddenly I heard a screech soming from Lizzie. I ran over, Lizzie lying on the ground crying and took the note, the note of which read:

I can feel myself slipping away. Their taking over me. I will just endanger you more and more. I'm better not existing, I just hope you can one day forgive me for the way I threatened our own friends life, and for any other terrible things I did. Take this gem, save Minx, save the world. Tell Cathy I love her once you get back to the real world, would ya? I'm sorry guys.


Your dear friend Adam.

P.S: Power can do crazy things to a man...

The last line was smeared and came partway off of the paper. It had a red tint, giving off the impression it was written in blood. I looked around at my friends. Lizzie still crying, head now perfectly rested on Entoan's lap. Dlive next to Entoan, arm wrapped around him for support, and Ohm standing at the edge of the room, hating the world and trying to hold back tears. I felt my eyes tearing up as I knew we wouldn't be able to save Minx. Or the world. But I couldn't stop thinking of what would happen if Minx died. I don't know what I would do. That's when I realized. I had already lost one friend today, I sure as hell wasn't losing another. I rose to my feet once more. 

"We have to save Minx." Is all I could muster out. Everyone looked at me like I was insane. I knew none of them were going to do sh*t. I began to tear up once more as I turned around, heading out the door to do it myself. I heard a rustle from behind me, and I saw Lizzie stand up. 

"I'm coming too. We're not losing Minx again." Now everyone was dumbfounded. Everyone had underestimated her strength, including me. Soon Entoan stood up, and Dlive followed. Then it was just Ohm. 

"Ohmy bud?" I asked. 

"I'm not losing another friend again." He said sternly, leading us outside the door. 

I brought myself to a smile. "Good."

A/N Maybe the best chapter yet? I don't know, felt proud writing it :/ This or the second chapter. ANYWAYSSSS next chapter, 1500 words, I PROMISE! 

Thanks everybodt X3


Also, go bother Celery with #WEWANTONCEUPONAVID Kay? 


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