Chapter 9 - Succeed

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The week following the anticipated tournament was busily cramped with research, writing, and for Taemin: an excitement in the depth of his stomach. The groans of “we didn’t even sign up for this” or “I hate public speaking, why am I even in this class in the first place” faltered with the focused atmosphere and the esteem of the teacher. For Taemin, however, nothing could be more distracting than Jongin.

The sweet sound of the sixth period bell.
Taemin had his head buried inside of an economics book, finding current issues that were daunting enough to bring to notice in the upcoming discussions. (They all were worthy enough, of course.) Tiny strands of blonde clumsily fell in front of his vision causing him to constantly brush his hair back, yet they would not stick. He mumbled something about haircuts while scraping the information of the lengthy textbook, flipping pages wildly.

Unexpectedly, a dimming shadow grew larger and larger and effectively blocked the lighting, annoying Taemin enough to distract himself and look upwards. He was greeted with two hands and a complacent smile reaching for his hair.  “This should fix it.” Jongin slipped a rubber band off his wrist and tied Taemin’s bangs into a sprout, resting atop of his head. Taemin just stared into the concentrated eyes of Jongin, enjoying the details of the face he could never grow tired of. The warmth and tenderness radiating from Jongin’s touch evidenced to be spine chillingly pleasant. He took a step back to admire his work, and covered the back of his hand to his mouth to muffle his laughter. “You look adorable.”

Taemin’s blushing turned a mad shade of burgundy red. His voice failed him once again, yet he would’ve been interrupted anyway. “Hold on, I gotta get a picture of this.” Still giggling to himself, Jongin pulled out his phone from his back pocket and proceeded to capture the very pouty Taemin. Jongin’s phone was decorated with Pororo charms and pink stickers. Are you serious. Miniscule characteristics of a person sometimes proved to explain the most, or reveal a pathway to a broader view of their true self. Taemin now sensed Jongin was even more pure and cute than he considered. Taemin swallowed this thought down quickly; it was definitely not a good idea to reminisce on Jongin’s perfection while he was in the room. Taemin peered over to the phone’s screen, and watched as Jongin set the picture as his wallpaper. Jongin quickly tucked the phone back into its original home, and promised Taemin he wouldn’t be a bother any longer. Please bother me. He twirled Taemin’s tuft of hair between his first two fingers before laughing one last time and returning to his desk.

Taemin was stranded, left alone to his textbooks with only his racing heart for company. (Except Jonghyun, who was now face-palming due to Taemin’s oblivion.) He depended on his nerves settling in any day now; caring for Jongin this much took up a great deal of energy. At least he could see now. 


The few days before the departure to the tournament each held a special interaction between Taemin and Jongin, which always left Taemin in a blushing and hyperventilating mess. He was strangely nervous to compete with Jongin, although they never had any problems dominating over the entire class before. Perhaps it was because their relationship significantly became closer, yet in certain ways that were not expected of a normal male friendship. Taemin was certainly not complaining; if this was how Jongin made friends then Taemin was more than happy to abide. Though the heart-break grew side by side with their relationship.


The morning of their leave finally came. The entire class was lined in the bus loop, waiting for the vans to pick them up. The students wore matching uniforms, except for Jongin and Taemin who wore blue suits with their family names embroidered into the chest. It was apparently traditional for the representative to portray an image of respect, with a hint of intimidation. Taemin spotted Jonghyun in the crowd, though he was originally searching for Jongin, and waddled over to him in his uncomfortable outfit, carrying his bags under his arms. “Hey, Taemin!” Taemin waved and proceeded to check himself out in the reflection of the nearest window. “I look gay in this blazer”. Jonghyun smiled widely and wrapped his around Taemin’s shoulder. “But you are gay, Taeminie!” He received a punch in the gut.

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