Chapter 12 - Dominance

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Though almost one-hundred bright and noisy kids passed Taemin in the anxiety induced hallway; he did not see anyone except Jongin. Because Jongin didn’t even show up today in the hallway, it would be fair to say Taemin did not see anyone at all. It was odd that Sehun and Luhan walked side by side with no Jongin to tag along behind, no Jongin to remind them of their untouched homework. Taemin wasn’t bothered however; the desire to see Jongin was overpowered by his nervousness. With a sigh and a shake of a fluttery heart, Taemin buried his hands inside his overly-large jacket, continuing and anticipating the rest of the day.

Loud heartbeats pounded through Taemin’s blood as he opened the door to the only (and best) class he had with Jongin. Words from Saturday evening continuously sang through his racing and occupied mind. See you Monday, boyfriend! The emphasis of Taemin’s new title was enough to mentally pause his entire sanity.

Without a second longer dwelling on his happiness, Taemin bolted inside and instinctively blushed as he turned his head to see his gorgeous boyfriend… who wasn’t there. Jongin’s seat was replaced by an emptiness that not only resided in his chair, but resided in Taemin’s excitement and heart. Taemin began walking slowly and a little hesitantly towards his seat next to a sleepy Jonghyun, who perked up upon Taemin’s presence. “Heyy Taeminiee, how was your date with Jongie?” Taemin looked around as if Jongin was hiding beneath the floorboards or within the air around them before he replied distractedly. “It wasn’t a date… Where is he?” “How the hell would I know, you’re the one dating him. Shouldn’t you know?” Taemin sighed out a breath of anguish and defeat before slumping into his chair, waiting for class to start.

The teacher began explaining what the students would be doing for the next month or so based on the issue they picked concerning the environment. As he described the project, Jonghyun noticed Taemin’s emotionless expression, nudged him, and whispered into his ear. “Why don’t you just text him and ask where he is? You have his number right?” A rush of opportunity and nervousness washed over Taemin. He could easily ask, though he had never talked to Jongin through technology before. He suddenly became hesitant with butterflies, as he imagined Jongin smile as he received a message from him. Also, he didn’t want to seem too clingy. He’s just missed a day, chill out. However, this was easier said than done as Taemin discreetly pulled his phone out of his pocket, ducked it underneath his desk, and began composing a message to Jongin. His fingertips suddenly became heavy; a simple text had never held this much control over Taemin. Eventually, he scribbled out a decent message:

Hey Jongin… I hope you’re okay... Where are you?

Taemin debated on sending his message for a few moments or so, before thinking “yolo” to himself, pressing the send button, and closing his phone quickly as if it would conceal his embarrassment. He made a mental note to slap himself later for saying “yolo.”

Within the next minute, Taemin felt a buzz from his phone. He squinted his eyes with excitement before opening the message:

Taeminie! Ahh, you texted me! I’m okay, thank you. I’m just at home ^^

It took everything Taemin had not to burst out in giggles and smiles. He re-read his first message from Jongin a few times before further interrogation:

If you’re okay then why aren’t you here?? Leave home and come to me please

At least three minutes had gone by without a reply from Jongin. Not that Taemin was watching the clock or anything.

Well, I saw a physical therapist like you suggested. He said to just stay in bed for a while or else I’ll just get worse. Please don’t worry. Isn’t it sixth period? Shouldn’t you be paying attention to class? ㅋㅋ

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