Chapter 14 - Extravagant

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As predicted and as negatively anticipated, the graduation ceremony for the seniors finally arrived. The few weeks prior to that particular day, Jongin worked as dearly as he could to fulfill the empty friendship between him and Luhan. It was difficult forcing in memories rather than effortlessly creating them. After each attempt, Jongin would rest his head against Taemin and sigh out his frustration and regret. “You never realize what you have until it’s gone.” Taemin was treated as though he were Jongin’s diary, listening and absorbing Jongin’s heartfelt secrets, his wants, his dislikes, and his cries. Evidently, the trust between them had never been questioned, and had never been tampered with. It was as though their mental chemistry was born to coincide. Perhaps Jongin was not used to having someone so willing to listen, to learn, and to love. Taemin appreciated him in such an unfamiliar way. Although spilling out his heart, he felt lopsided, as if he needed as much of Taemin’s soul as he felt he revealed of his own. Taemin noticed Jongin repeated phrases such as, “I want to savor you as much as I can,” or “I’m sorry I only now love you… I’m sorry I never noticed before.”

Sehun, Taemin, and Jongin sat in a balcony to the ceremony, helplessly watching as Luhan received his diploma and a thousand hand’s applause. Taemin had heard the name “Kai” being referred to often by Sehun, so naturally, he asked who this Kai was. Jongin replied, a little embarrassed. “Sehun and Luhan call me that when I dance. They think it’s a lot ier… or something.” “You do kinda look like a Kai. It suits you.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“No, Jongin. It means I think you’re ugly and Kai is a gross name.” Taemin rolled his eyes, and Jongin laughed.

Though the attention was focused on the graduating class, Taemin still easily managed to hold his attention towards Jongin. They had been spending a considerably large amount of time together, and Taemin had picked up on how Jongin felt the things he treasured the most were slipping through his fingers. Jongin had never actually worded this, nor had he intended to worry Taemin or seem as though he was unfit to care for Taemin due to many of his own problems. Taemin grasped Jongin’s hand in his own, and held tightly. He stroked their intertwined fingers with his free hand, and whispered a low “shhh”. Though he wasn’t referring to Jongin’s physical self. Jongin turned to Taemin, smiled, and mentioned something about how good Taemin looked that night. “I know, what can I say. I’m gorgeous.”

“You are.”

“I was kidding.”

“Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip—“

“Please shut up.”

“You don’t know you’re beautiful. That’s what makes you beautiful.”


They were interrupted by a very loud “shhh” and an evil expression from Sehun, which made Taemin and Jongin giggle to themselves and bite their bottom lips to halt their laughter.


The last day of school. The excited rush in the pit of the students definitely displayed itself throughout the day. The school atmosphere was uplifting, yet Taemin and Jongin were unaffected for they both dreaded any day representing a closing to their wonderful year. It was sixth period, and Taemin walked in later than usual, yet nobody had noticed for the classroom of Speech/Debate was now being used as a party room. The teacher had decided to use the last day as a celebration for the class’s effort and celebration for no longer dealing with any more opinionated kids. Taemin turned to see Jongin, who was half asleep in his desk.

“Jong… Jongin… Wake up!” Taemin gently smacked the back of Jongin’s head, which fluttered his eyelids open in such a sleepy and attractive manner. He stretched his arms and groaned slightly. “Taeminie. Just the person I wanted to see.” Taemin scoffed, yet his hand was taken by a pair of warm fingers, inspecting Taemin’s knuckles and short fingernails.

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