Chapter 17 - Absent Days

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“Jongin, I still don’t get why you did that for me. You’re the best boyfriend… person… ever, I swear to god.  I still can’t believe someone like you could like someone like me. I mean, that was the best thing anyone has ever done for me. You know that, right? Why do you love me? What did I do?”

“Why do I love you?” Jongin finished scribbling the last word to one of his applications, dropped the pencil onto the paper and slightly shook his now cramping hand.

“Maybe it’s your support, maybe it’s your laugh. Maybe I never thought anyone would see me the way you do, but I think it’s because you saved me, so now I’m saving you.”

And so ends August, the hottest of all months, and the most stressful.


The first day of school begrudgingly arrived.

There’s a certain feeling of dominance after graduating any grade. Taemin now saw the sophomores as confused and snobby, and Jongin viewed the juniors as wanna-be seniors—besides Taemin, of course. The incoming freshman wandered around the empty halls, obviously scared and lost. It touched a small part of Jongin’s heart, so he took about ten minutes to direct them to their homerooms, and give detailed directions to their later classes. The freshman gawked at the “cool senior”, and the petite girls giggled to themselves, eyes and smiles beaming with cute boys and gossip.

After he finished, he made his way to the now cleared out tables outside of the front office where schedules were being passed out. He didn’t notice Taemin’s crooked smile which was directed towards the overall adorableness of Kim Jongin. After telling the staff their last and first names, they received the list of their classes. Taemin began bouncing on his toes and peered over to read Jongin’s schedule.

“Hey, hey, what classes did you get?”

Jongin put his fingers to his lips, compared, and contemplated. He then noticed a malfunction and pointed to his second period, then to Taemin’s fifth period.

“Oi, our Speech classes are at different times.”

Taemin yanked his schedule free from Jongin’s hand to see the horrible news for himself. He looked up to Jongin, and they both frowned a little dramatically. “This will ruin my semester.” Jongin agreed.

“No worries. Jongin to the rescue.” He strolled over the table outside of the office and directly went to the most official looking worker.

“Good morning. I was wondering if perhaps my friend and I could change some of our classes?”

The lady peered out from the rims of her glasses. “Is there a problem?”

“No, ma’am. But it would be very…,” he gazed into the distance briefly, thinking of the perfect word, “beneficial for both my friend and myself to be in Advanced Debate together. We were representatives last year together, so it’s necessary for us to stay together. We’re a team. I’m surprised the teacher did not say anything… Ah, here he is now!”

Taemin cautiously stepped a little closer to them, half hidden behind Jongin. He had to admit, Jongin was a skilled liar. Jongin lazily wrapped his arm around Taemin, bringing them side by side, and continued with slight mockery and cockiness.

“We are inseparable, you see.”

“Shutup, Jongin!” Taemin elbowed him in the ribs.

Jongin laughed, a very cute giggle, and the lady marked them down for the same class after asking their names again, which ultimately changed their entire schedule. He waved goodbye to Taemin, and followed the now impatiently waiting Sehun to his first elective. He’s so dumb… Taemin lustfully gawked after him, still feeling like the overanalyzing sophomore he was last year, except with more luck.

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