Chapter 35

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Third Person's POV

"J-Jungkook?!" Hoseok yelled, surprised.

Why is his boss, his friend here...

In the middle of corpses lying all over the floor.

"W-What did you d-do?!" Hoseok asked.

Jungkook just smiled as he looked all over the place like nothing happened.

"Oh, these?! I was just having a little fun here since I haven't been able to do this for ages!! And since they also defied my orders, they deserve what they'll suffer!!" Jungkook laughed.

Hoseok thought for a while, then said.

"Y-You're not Jungkook...y-you're J..."

J chuckled, as his true identity had finally been exposed to his assistant.

" is I, and now even you are trying to stop me?! I was even thinking about sparing you to work with me...guess I'll just wipe out all of you whoever tries to stop me," J said as he aimed the gun at Hoseok.

J released a shot, but Hoseok was fast enough to dodge the bullet.

"You're fast, but not fast enough!!" J said as he suddenly took out another gun from his pocket.

Now he has two guns, aiming right at Hoseok.


Hoseok cursed as he dodged every bullet as possible.

J was firing every shot like crazy.

He laughed like a maniac as if he was watching a puppet show.

Hoseok on the other hand was dodging for his dear life.

When he found his opportunity, he quickly shot with his gun.

The bullet knocked one of the gun right out of J's hand.

"Damn, looks like things are getting serious now," J said.

Hoseok couldn't stand all of this as he quickly ran towards J, pushing him with all his force until both of them were on the floor.

Both of their guns had dropped.

Hoseok fought J even though it was actually his own friend, who's body had been taken over by another's mind.

But soon after, he found himself being pinned down onto the floor.

He felt himself suffocating.

J was choking him.

"Looks like play times over for you!!" J exclaimed.

Hoseok tried to free himself, but J was just too strong.

He found right in the corner of his eye, there was a candlestick nearby.

He reached for the candlestick desperately, which only resulted in J adding more force onto his throat.

Just then, Hoseok had an idea.

He kneed J roughly onto J's stomach, sending J backwards in pain, releasing himself.

He quickly grab the candlestick and looked right at J.

I'm sorry for this, Jungkook...

And Hoseok hit J.

Right onto his head.

J immediately collapsed onto the floor.

"I promise to get help urgently, Jungkook"

Hoseok said as he reached for his phone and dialed the hospital number.

As he was about to speak, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

He looked down, only to find his white shirt which was now stained in red, with his own blood...

He collapsed onto the floor, only to find J...who was still standing with a knife in his hand.

The knife which was used to stab him...

"How did you..."

"Oh,  Hoseok. Did you really think I was stupid? I was just playing with you, I was just letting you have a little taste of victory. But I guess that play time's really over now, huh, Hoseok..." J laughed.

Hoseok felt his whole body heavy...

He could feel his wound turned numb as blood continued to ooze out.

Am I really gonna...die?

Hoseok thought.

No...what about Tae??

He felt the whole world turned black.

Double update!! And this chapter is like really long!! It has 600+ words!! 😂😂

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