-Chapter 16: Philip's side of the story-

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"Does he have a secret cousin or something?!" Philip asked as he intensely stared at George. "I don't know! I didn't invite his folks! Maybe he came in uninvited which means that I can kick him out," He suggested as he grabbed Philip's shoulders. "Good idea. You kick him out while I get Y/N as far away from here as possible," Philip agreed never letting his eyes leave George. "Okay, go," 

Philip scurried off and Thomas straightened his jacket and walked to George with a sigh. 

"Y/N!" Philip almost yelled as he approached the girl. Y/N turned around, revealing the person who she was talking to. His father. "Philip, you left Y/N alone?" Alexander asked. He had flushed cheeks, a sleepy frown and a slur to his words. "Pops, are you drunk?" Philip asked and pulled Y/N a bit closer to himself and away from his father. "Hell yeah," He said in a deep voice and grinned. "Incompetent father figure lookin'- Pops there are colleagues at this event-"

"Look, son," Alexander said and put a hand on Philip's shoulder. He sighed and looked at his son before saying: "Jefferson allegedly bought very expensive wine for this event so I took it upon myself to drink every last drop of Jefferson's superannuation-" "POPS." Philip groaned. "I had to!" Alexander whined. "Honestly, it's pretty funny," Y/N oozed in. "You're not helping, Y/N!" Philip told her. 

"Where's mom?" Philip asked and started to look around. "She is talking to someone's wife. I forgot the surname," Alexander informed and started to lean on his son. "Great," Philip sighed and tossed his father's arm over his shoulders. "I'm going to put you on the couch. Stay there until-"


"Sh*t." Philip hissed as he turned around with his half-asleep father around his shoulder. He recognized that voice. It was Washington. "Glad you could come to-Oh my God!" Washington took one glance at the red face of his secretary and was in complete shock. "What happened?" He asked and turned to Philip. "He feels ill, sir," Philip said. "Son, that man is pale white when I see him at the office," Washington started. 

"HEY! Just because I told you not to call me son, doesn't mean you can call my son your son!" 

"Look at his face," Washington said, ignoring the troubled teenager in a middle-aged body. "Blood red. He is drunk, isn't he?" He asked Philip. He sighed: "Yes, sir," During all this, Y/N took a big step back. As she did, Washington noticed her. "Who might you be?" He asked in an intimidating tone. "I-I'm no one-" "She's the daughter of John Laurens," Philip said finding the perfect opportunity to put his father to bed and keep Y/N occupied. "Philip, you can't just-" "Laurens? My goodness, you have his eyes! How did I not know?"

As Washington started to compliment Y/N on her martyr father, Philip grabbed his father and ran to the door leading toward the living room where he propped his dad up and threw a blanket over him. "Stay here," Philip told his father and he knelt beside him. "Mmmmokay, son," 

Philip jogged out of the living room and did a scan around to the room and spotted Washington still chatting to Y/N. He sighed with a smile and nonchalantly walked over to them. "-and he did have this weird obsession with turtles. He had a turtle he called Yafa but one day the turtle just disappeared after one of our messengers disappeared," Washington explained with a goofy smile. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Philip asked as he put his hands behind his back. "Just telling some anecdotes," Y/N sighed with a tired smile. She seemed unusually unenergetic. "Her father was a man who could crack a joke but also crack someone's neck," Washington said with a nostalgic smile. 

"Anyway, I had to talk to your father," Washington reminded himself. "He went to lay down, he didn't feel well," Philip said. "Well, remind me that I have to talk to him. It's important," Washington said to the son of his secretary. "Will do," Philip nodded. "

As he left, Y/N turned to Philip and shot him a stare. "First you leave me alone when I ask you a question and then you leave me with the president while you go and take care of your drunk father. I get why you did it, but I feel used." She firmly said. "I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up?" He genuinely felt sorry. Sorry but 50 shades of jealous. 

"Nothing. But it was rude-" "Philip," Both Y/N and Philip sighed at the same time. Philip turned around and saw his mom with a lady behind her. "This is miss Eacker. She told me her son has some connections with Y/N," His mom started. "I wanted to introduce her to Y/N," Eliza smiled and referred to the lady behind her. She was a bit older than Eliza and seemed a bit more on edge. Miss Eacker almost threw herself at Y/N and hugged her as Philip awkwardly backed away. As he did, Eliza grabbed her son by the collar and dragged him away from the pair. The two ladies had already begun their talking when Eliza put her hands on Philip's shoulders and looking him right in the eye.

"What have you been up to?" She asked in a strict tone. 

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