Things I Almost Remember

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Freya and I sat in front of a fire, talking and eating. "So what is it that you remember?" She asked.

"Just those three days and you and my name, I really don't remember anything else." I said shrugging and shaking my head. "But if you've known me my whole life why don't you just tell me?" I said. She shook her head. "I don't know where to start. I think your family should tell you. Your family and friends." She said. I sighed. "I think if I tell you then the memories won't gradually come back, I think you'll reach for them too hard and they won't come back. You didn't have the easiest childhood Katara. Maybe it's best some of that stays buried." She said.

"How can I uncover parts of it, without uncovering all of it?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I have no idea. But I do know that if we want to make it to the next town by dusk, we should leave now." She said. I gave a small verbal agreement and we were off. We walked into the next town looking for somewhere we could sleep. Two days and two towns later, we were walking into a clearing. There were just a couple stray trees, one of them was huge and I wasn't able to see beyond it yet, my foot had just landed on the ground if the clearing. Freya has trotted ahead for to make sure the coast was clear. I heard someone come up behind me, I turned around to see who it was but I was picked up in a....Hug? I screamed for Freya who came running to my aid. I managed to get out of the grip of whoever the person was, then to roundhouse kick them. I turned to look around, there were too many. There was one who looked younger than me with blue arrows, the one who had a ponytail who looked about my age, and another with a scar on his face who looked maybe a little older than me, and three adults. I turned and sprinted away as fast as I could, running so fast I couldn't even believe how fast I was running. "Freya come on!" I yelled when she wasn't by my side. I glanced back at her, she was standing by the young man with a scar on his face. "Get away from Freya." I growled stopping and pulling out my bow and arrow aiming directly at his chest.

"Katara, d-Do you not remember me?" He asked. I looked at him confused.

"What the hell does that mean? I don't even know y- Freya? Do I know them?" I asked her. She nodded. I slowly, hesitantly dropped my weapon. "Who are you guys?" I asked.

"We're your family." One of the adults said. "Do you really not remember us?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I-I remember being captured and brainwashed, I remember Freya, and my name. I-I don't know who I am...Where I'm from...Where I'm currently at, I didn't even know that a war was going on till yesterday when I heard two merchants talking to each other. I don't remember anything." I said keeping my distance between the strange people and myself.

"I'm your father." The same adult said, he pointed to the boy with the ponytail "That's your brother." He said. My eyes went wide. I had a family. All this time and I had actual blood relatives. I know that Freya said that I didn't but until now it didn't feel real. I put my bow and arrow away, pushing off my hood.

"And my mother? What of her?" I asked.

"She died. Many years ago, when you were young, you-You really don't remember that?" My supposed Father asked in disbelief. I shook my head.

"If you're my father and you're my brother who're the rest of these people?" I asked.

"Well for starters your brothers name is Sokka. I'm Hakodah and you can call me that until you get your memory back. This is Aang, he's the Avatar, the one who's supposed to save the world. For a year now you and your brother have been traveling with him. This is Bako, he's not blood related but he's like a brother to me, and you've always seen him as your uncle. This is Pr-" the young man with the scar cut my apparent father off.

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