Miss Me?

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It had been weeks since I died. We were now in the Earth Kingdom so Aang could find a teacher. Every waterbender had come back to life and every waterbender was stronger now than they were before they died. Of course we all had white hair now, making all of us extremely noticeable. I will say that it didn't look bad, but I did miss my dark hair. Aang and I were practicing waterbending while Sokka was out getting food. Freya was hunting for her food not to far away, when she was done hunting her food she always picked berries and vegetables and such things for Appa. I took deep breaths in and out, my entire body stiff from practicing all day. My father was sitting and watching us. We continued throwing vicious blows at each other. "Don't you think this is getting a little intense?" My father called out. "You're only sparring!" He reminded us, but we blocked him out. I finally had Aang pinned, I turned water into a sharp spear like weapon, pointing at his neck. We both looked at each other dead in the eye, then began laughing. I helped him up.

"Man I needed that." I said cracking my bones trying to get the stiffness out of them. "I'm heading towards the hot springs, my body could seriously use it." I said before dismissing myself. I used water to carry me there faster. I practically threw myself in. It felt so good I nearly fell asleep. I decided that that was the point where I knew I needed to get out. I pulled my undergarments back on, and began to squeeze the water out of my hair. I could easily bend it off but that would make my hair too dry and frizzy. I did however bend the water off the rest of my body. I heard Freya roar announcing herself. "Are you decent?" I heard her ask. I figured this meant she had someone with her otherwise she wouldn't have asked.

"Umm for the most part." I said back. She emerged from the bushes. Zuko was right behind her. I immediately got excited. "Zuko! It-" I cut myself off when he looked like he was going to fall over. I caught him just before he hit the floor, we both fell to our knees. "What is it?" I asked. He began sobbing into my shoulder holding me tightly.

"I'm so lost." He said. I rubbed his back allowing him to speak without me interrupting. "I allowed him to become a prisoner. I knew how he would be treated in prison for helping me and I didn't care." He cried. "My uncle the person who has been more of a father to me than my own father and I just watched as he was dragged away." Zuko sobbed and pulled away from me. "I didn't know what to do so I drank that thing you gave me." He said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We got into a fight. I separated from him. I was traveling around small secluded areas of the Earth Kingdom. Some fire nation soldiers told my sister Azula where I was, she came to get me, we battled but she can shoot lightning. I tried to redirect it but my uncle got in the middle of it anyway. I got so angry at him. I had been waiting so long to prove to my sister that I was just as good as she is, but he had to try and stop us from fighting. They got him instead and I just ran. I didn't even try." He said shaking his head.

"Your uncle knew what he was doing Zuko. We can get him back." I said. He shook his head.

"He's in the highest security prison. It won't be like busting your father out it's entirely different. No one gets in or out of there without someone knowing." Zuko sighed.

"Zuko I'm stronger now. I don't know why. But I'm stronger now than I was before. Besides everyone can help us. We'll do it. We'll get him back. Come on. Dinner should be ready by now. You need food and sleep." I said. He hesitantly nodded. I kept my arm wrapped around him the entire time. Freya grabbed my clothes for me, and we walked back to camp. When we showed up everyone wa shocked to see Zuko.

"H-Hey." He said giving a small wave.

"Zuko will be traveling with us for the time being." I announced. I watched Aangs eyes spark with jealousy. It was no secret that he had a major crush on me but I didn't expect him to become hostile because of it.

"What makes you think Appa can hold so many people?" Aang asked bitterly.

"Well if Appa can't handle it then we'll simply ride Freya." I said causing Freya to huff not liking my idea.

"He's carried more than this Aang." Sokka said not picking up on Aangs jealousy, but from the look my father was giving me he seemed to pick up on it.

"We have plenty enough food to go around." My father said. I sat in between him and Zuko.

"By the way Zuko this is Hakodah and as I'm sure youve figured out he's my father. Dad this is Zuko. I figured it was finally time for a formal introduction." I said. They both nodded and shook hands. Freya was sitting in between Zuko and I with her head on my lap, she yawned widely showing off her sharp teeth. I chuckled at her.

"You're so pretty Freya." I said scratching her ears she began purring. I held Zukos hand the entire time as a comforting gesture.

"I hope you like dumplings." My father said handing Zuko a bowl.

"I love them. Thank you sir." Zuko replies grabbing the bowl. When everyone was done with dinner they set up their tents. I handed mine to Zuko.

"Here. I don't use it anyway. I just use a sleeping bag." I said he shook his head.

"No. You use it." He said. I chuckled.

"Zuko seriously. Go head. I don't use it. Really." I said. He looked embarrassed.

"I've never used a tent. I don't know how to set one up." He said. I chuckled and gently nudged him with my elbow waving him over. I began clearing the dirt, leveling it out and kicking all the rocks away. I laid out the fabric, grabbing the sticks to hold it up. I grabbed the blanket and threw it in the tent, then put the tarp up over the tent just in case it rained. "Thank you." He mumbled still embarrassed. I smiled and nodded. I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist gently. I stopped and turned to face him. He cupped my face, slowly leaned in and kissed me. I ever so slightly smiled into it as I kissed him back. It was just a couple sweet kisses then we both pulled away.

"Goodnight." I whispered. He kissed me one last time.

"Goodnight." He replied. I curled up on Appas tail, in my sleeping bag, Freya right next to me. I smiled and fell into a deep sleep.

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