Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Fern shuffled down her new sidewalk, in her new neighborhood, to what would be her new bus stop. Fern was a quite, shy girl, who didn't really like to make small talk, or just talk for that matter. She liked keeping to herself, which was just fine to her. She really didn't need that many friends, she only had one in her old town, but Fern and her family had to move, due to her mother's job. It was a painful, and heartbreaking goodbye. Her and her best friend had grown up together, and right as they were about to enter high school, her mom ripped them apart at Fern's time in need when she needed someone to be there with her the most.

Fern felt tears gather in her eyes as she walked down the street her head tilted towards the ground. Fern blinked away the tears as fast as she could, she didn't want anyone to see her cry on her first day of school. People would think she was weak and insecure, which she certainly wasn't. Fern started to daydream while walking at a steady pace to the bus stop, watching leaves of all colors dance around her feet in the cold, fall wind. Fern was so caught up in the leaves that she didn't notice someone was right in her path. She smacked into the person causing her to fall backwards, landing with a loud crash on the floor.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry are you okay?" A deep voice said from above her. Fern looked up slowly, feeling her cheeks burn bright red as she met the eyes of who she ran into. It was a guy, about her age, with the deepest blue eyes she's ever seen. He had a concerned look in his eyes as he held his hand out for her to take. Fern to the hand gently as he lifted her up in one big swoop. Fern was about to bend down and grab the books, but the unknown guy had beat her to it, "No let me, it was my fault." He says, bending down and picking up her books.

Fern gave him an appreciative smile as she took a really good look at him. He was really dark brown, almost black, hair, cut short. He had a perfect smile, one tiny dimple was just visible on his left cheek if you looked hard enough. Fern felt awkward as she stood there watching him pick up her books, so she decided to help him. She bent down starting the pick up the books as she saw the guy flash her a smile from the corner of her eye.

"You know, most girls would have just stood there and waited for me to pick them up." He says, a chuckle to follow. Fern widens her eyes as she try’s to respond, but nothing came out. So she responds with what she knows how to say best.

"I'm sorry." She says quietly looking at the ground a blush creeping up into her cheeks. They both meet eyes at the same time. The guy with a smile on his face.

"For what? Being different?" He says, amusement in his voice. Fern only nods, embarrassment filling her thoughts. "Well don't be, it's refreshing to meet someone who hasn't been contaminated by those vile girls in high school." He says standing up, Fern following close behind. Fern was about to take the books but he stops her. "Nope, a gentleman always carries things for the ladies." He says flashing a smile.

"Oh no, I think I could-"

"No it's my pleasure." He says, and before Fern could argue, he takes the books from her hands and piles them onto his pile. Fern huffs in displeasure. She never liked people doing stuff for her, she liked to be independent and do things on her own say. "The name's Aden by the way." The guy Fern now knows as Aden says as he stuffs the books under one arm holding out his other hand for her to shake.

"Fern." She says quietly, taking his hand shaking in quickly before dropping and looking at the ground once more.

"Fern, huh? That's a unique name." Aden says sweetly starting to walk again. Fern just nods as she continues to look at the ground. "You must be the quiet type, that's okay, I don't mind." He says. Fern looks up at him, seeing as he was a good 5 inches taller than her, but that wasn't surprising, since she was really short. She was shocked that Aden didn't mind quiet people, usually people walk away because she makes things awkward, but him... there was something different about him.

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