10: Punishment Is Meant To Hurt

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Why are you making me go through this again?

I thought you regretted it

Then why have you started...again?

The next morning you left Jungkook's house to go to work. Luckily the pain in your body had decreased so you could focus on your work. You walked inside Jimin's office and saw him waiting for you. As soon as Jimin saw you he immediately got up from his chair, walked up to you and snaked his arm around your waist. "Hey baby. I missed you last night" He said softly and slowly started kissing your neck. Of course you wanted to pull away but you didn't say anything and let him do so because you knew there was nothing that was going to stop him. "J...Jimin" You mumbled. Jimin hummed in response, his lips not leaving your neck. "I...I told Jungkook to pick Jaemin up from preschool and let him stay at their place until tomorrow."

Jimin looked up at you with a frown. "Why exactly? Why didn't you tell me this beforehand?"

"B...Because...I think Jaemin needs some time away from us."

"What makes you think you can send him there without my permission?" Jimin said obviously not happy about your decision. "I'm...I'm sorry...I just think Jaemin should be away from us...just for today."

Jimin glared at you for a moment then said "Fine" and he pressed his lips back on yours.

Jimin POV

Time skip
I had a meeting to attend but unfortunately for me I also had a lot of other stuff do to. So I told Y/N to go the meeting room and get everything ready to start while I was still sitting in my office completing a few things.

I checked the time and saw I had five minutes before the meeting started so I put my files away and went out of my office. I started walking through a few corridors until I spotted a familiar person. Immediately my face dropped and I headed towards him. "Hey Jiwoon" I called.

Jiwoon turned his head towards me then smirked at the sight of me. I already felt anger build inside me just looking at him. I went up to him and said "What is up with you and your game?"

"I don't understand what your saying" He said innocently. That made my anger rise. "Don't play dumb with me. I know your trying to steal Y/N from me and I'm not going to put up with this anymore."

Jiwoon crossed his arms and looked at me coolly. "Well I'm not giving up just because you told me to. Y/N wants to be with me."

I looked at him as if he was mad. Well in a way he was. "What are you talking about?! She's married to me!" I yelled at him. There was another meeting room on the other side of the corridor and I hope the people in there didn't hear me. Jiwoon stayed silent for a moment thinking of what to say. He looked kind of defeated but then an evil smile came across his face. "Y/N thinks I'm better in bed than you."

I froze.

What!? How? That's not possible. It can't be possible! My hands slowly turned into fists at the thought of my baby under someone else.

Before I know what I was doing my fist slammed into Jiwoon's face. Coincidently, everyone from the meeting room next to us started to pour out of it just in time to see me do that. But did I care? No. I just wanted to destroy this man.

Y/N came walked in too and was shocked to see what I had done. "Jimin what are you doing!" She yelled and ran up to me and held my arm to stop me from doing anything else. My blood was boiling and my anger was at its highest. Jiwoon looked shocked from the blow not expecting me to break out like that.

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