End1-21: We Can't Be Together

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My biggest mistake was loving you

But love isn't an easy thing to erase

Sometimes you can never erase it

You didn't make it far when you felt someone wrap their arms around you and rest a head on your should making you stop dead in your tracks. You knew only too well who it was. Your heart ached feeling his arms around you again. You heard his voice whisper in your ear.

"Please hold me tight again."

You could feel other people's eyes on you as panicked at the feeling of Jimin's arms around you again. You quickly slipped out of them and said "I'm sorry I don't know you." That was the most pathetic excuse I could come up with. You started to walk forwards again but you felt a hand tightly hold your wrist and spin you back around. You widened your eyes at how close Jimin had pulled you towards him. Your faces were extremely close to each other.

"Have you forgotten your husband already?" Jimin said and tilted his head. You could hear gasps behind you. You hung your head down not wanting to look into his eyes. "Have you forgotten me already?" Jimin continued. "Have you moved on from me?"

You stayed silent not wanting to answer or look at him again. It hurts to much just at the sight of you. Jimin noticed that you were avoiding his eye contact and said "Do you hate me that much that you can't even look at me?"

No. It's not that.

You hesitated before whispering "I...I love you too much that I'm afraid to fall deeper for you if I look at you." You rested your gaze on your hand which was tightly wrapped in Jimin's.

Jimin looked at you who was gazing down. He sighed before putting a hand on your chin and lifting your head up to face him. You blinked before your eyes met Jimin's. You saw sadness and tears in his eyes. "Y/N-"

You pulled your wrist out of Jimin's grip before he could continue speaking. "No. No Jimin. Jimin we can't...we can't be together anymore" You said as tears started to run down your face once again. "We weren't supposed to be together."

Jimin took a deep breath and said nothing for a moment. He had been waiting to finally speak to you for 2 years. He didn't try and force his way to see you like unexpectedly showing up at your doorstep, he waited for a time where you were willing to listen to him. And this was his chance right now.

Jimin looked back you and said "Y/N, you once said that fate never wanted us to be together. That we weren't supposed to be. That we were trying to make something work that wasn't supposed to." You clearly remember the day you said that. The day you left Jimin. The day you left your miseries behind only to discover a whole new world of miseries ahead.

"But Y/N, what if fate's changed it mind?" You were slighty confused by what he said. So he continued "I know you've been trying to forget me. I've been trying to forget you too. Jaemin told me that you haven't found anyone else and neither have I. We've spent the past 2 years without each other just grieving over one another. So what if...what if fate has realised that after all this time we just...can't be happy without one another. What if fate has decided to let us be happy together?" Jimin stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. You watched as tears fell from his eyes and so did yours. He really has a way his words, and it's working. I don't want it to because he will hurt me if I go back to him but...how can I not when he's saying things like this.

My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️Where stories live. Discover now