12: Big Mistake

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Will you ever change?

That night after you put Jaemin to sleep you walked back into your room. You went up to your bed and sat at the edge of it waiting for Jimin. A few minutes later Jimin walked out of the bathroom and you quickly stood up to talk to him but nothing came out of your mouth when you realised he was only had towel around his waist. You watched him as he ran his fingers through his wet hair and your cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink at his masculine body. Even after living with him for years he still makes me blush so hard. You quickly looked away as Jimin's eyes met yours. You could tell he was smirking as he went to the closet and got himself changed. You stood there silently until you felt two arms wrap around from behind. "Like what you saw?" Jimin whispered as your back was pressed against his torso making you able to feel his well built body. You blushed once again before turning around to face him. Your face became more serious and you said "Jimin...do you love me?"

Jimin gave you a confused look not expecting that question. "Of course I do" He said calmly. You took a deep breath before saying "Then...Then Jimin-ah...why do you hurt me so much?"

Jimin sighed not wanting to hear you go through this again. You held his hands and desperately said "Jimin please stop. I don't want Jaemin to grow up with his parents like this. I don't want Jaemin to know what's happening but he might if we continue to be like this. Jimin please...I'm begging you...please stop." You looked at Jimin with tears in your eyes while Jimin had a blank expression. You threw your arms around him and put your head in his chest. "I love you so much Jimin" You said as tears left your eyes and you held into Jimin tightly. "Please stop this. Please. I want us to be happy again. I want Jaemin to be happy and not scared because of us."

You felt Jimin wrap his arms around your waist and he buried his head in the crook of your neck. "I love you too. Which is why you only belong to me."

Tears ran down your face and onto his shirt at what he said. He's not listening.


The week went by and soon it was Saturday. You and Jimin had spent most of the week with Jaemin. The two of you acted close with each other for Jaemin to try and convince him everything was ok. You actually enjoyed the week because you spent time with Jimin and Jaemin like a happy family. Not the broken one you really were.

It was Saturday afternoon and you were getting ready to go to a company celebration. You were excited because this was the first party you'd been to in a while. Jimin also seemed in a good mood ever since you two decided to try be happy for Jaemin. You stood in front of the mirror putting on some makeup to match your dress.

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