11: Will We Ever Be Happy Again?

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I love you
I care for you
I feel happy when you are happy
I feel hurt when you are hurt

What do you feel about me?

Your eyes slowly opened as the light of day seeped through your room. As you expected, Jimin's arms were tightly wrapped around you making the pain in your body increase from his grip. You moaned and put your hands over your face as your tears ran down your cheeks. Your entire body ached, the pain was on a whole new level. You felt exhausted and didn't think you could move a muscle.

Soon you felt Jimin's body shift slightly behind you so you knew he was now awake. "Good morning" He whispered behind you, his breath and hair tickling the back of your neck. You stayed silent and Jimin turned you around to face him. Even turning around hurt. You moaned until your sore body was facing Jimin. He put a hand on your chin and said "Learn anything last night?"

You sighed as he referring for you to repeat what he told you. You didn't feel like you even had enough energy to speak, but nevertheless you still said "I belong to you and only you." You looked down not wanting to stare into his eyes. "Never to touch anyone or have anyone touch me and...don't speak back to you." You stopped there thinking that summed up what he said. "That's right baby" Jimin said and started to kiss your neck.

"J...Jimin...please don't...it hurts a lot" You said weakly as your neck was already covered in hickeys. Jimin simply said "Good" and continued. You shut your eyes tight and tears rolled down your cheeks. You remembered how you use to love waking up in the morning to Jimin cuddling next to you and showering you with morning kisses.

"Baby wake up" Jimin said for the hundredth time as he continued to peck your neck hoping to get you up. "Mmm...No I don't want to" You whined and hugged your covers tighter while Jimin hugged you tighter placed more kisses on your neck. After he realised that wasn't working, Jimin frowned and turned you over so you were lying on your back and got on top of you. You looked at him with sleepy eyes as he closed the gap between your lips, giving you a slow but passionate kiss. You felt your sleepiness slowly drift away at the feeling of his lips on yours. Jimin pulled away before saying "You awake now?"

You smiled at him and said "Yes." Then wrapped your arms around Jimin's neck and pulled his face down to connect your lips again. Jimin snaked his arms around your waist while yours tightened around his neck pulling him closer. Your lips moved in sync with each other and you wanted this moment never to end.

Unfortunately after a few minutes you heard your room door open. "Mummy, Daddy are you awake?" Immediately and quickly Jimin rolled off you to then lie back next to you so hoping Jaemin didn't see what you both were doing.

You smiled and gestured for Jaemin to come lie next to you and he crawled into bed with you and Jimin, lying in the middle. "You guys woke me up. What were doing? I heard weird noises" Jaemin asked.

"Uh...Nothing" You said nervously. Jaemin frowned having heard that excuse many times and understanding what it actually meant. "You guys weren't kissing again were you?"

Jimin smirked before saying "Why? Are you jealous?"

"No, it's disgusting" Jaemin said. Jimin gave him another smirk then leaned over to purposely give you another kiss.

"Ew! Stop it!" Jaemin said and hit Jimin's arm making all of you laugh.

End of flashback

My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️Where stories live. Discover now