End1-20: Hold Me Tight

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Your POV

I can't believe this. After 2 years, after 2 whole years there you are. Just metres away from me. All because of a company collaboration. How can this be? What kind of a coincidence is this? I want to burst into tears. I want to run to you. I want to hold you again. But what if you don't want me to? What if you push me away because you've moved on?

You watched Jimin as he sat on a stool at the bar by himself. You started to walk towards him, to finally speak to him again. But you suddenly stopped as you saw another woman approach him. You quickly turned around and walked back to the table you were sitting on with your friends. From there you looked at Jimin. You looked at his perfect features which you've missed so dearly. You watched as the woman sitting in front of Jimin leaned closer to him. You saw the way she stared at Jimin which made your heart clench. Even after all this time you still felt a pang of jealousy watching how close she was to your husband. Not that it looked like Jimin minded as he didn't move away and simply stayed there speaking with her. Has he really moved from me? Does he really not think about me anymore? Is he finding another woman now?

"Hey, I think we should greet our boss" Jihye said to you as you both still hadn't. "And meet Mr Park as well!" You took a deep breath. Of course you had to greet your boss but that would mean you also would have to greet Jimin. What will he say? How will he react when he sees me? How will I react being so close to him after such a long time?

"Fine" You mumbled and got up from your seat to head over to them. You would just have to act that you didn't know each other in front of everyone since no one knew about you two. Hopefully Jimin would catch on.

You both reached your boss and he stood up. "Good Evening Mr Jung" You bowed politely to him. "Sorry we didn't come to see you earlier."

"Oh That's perfectly fine" He replied. "I'm glad you could make Y/N, Jihye. Let me introduce Mr Park to you." Mr Jung looked around to find him. "Where is he...oh here he is!"

Oh gosh he's coming. You looked up to see Jimin walking your way, that other woman not far behind him. You noticed that Jimin didn't look as shocked as you expected. Instead he looked desperate to speak you to. That probably meant he had already seen you which was good since he now wasn't in shock.

"Mr Park, let me introduce you to one my of employees, Jihye" Mr Jung said introducing her first. Jihye excitedly shook Jimin's hand but Jimin's gaze didn't leave you.

 Jihye excitedly shook Jimin's hand but Jimin's gaze didn't leave you

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"And this is Y/N, one of my finest and very hard working employees." You gulped looking into Jimin's eyes. You felt your breathing fasten as Jimin held out a hand to shake yours. You looked at it and noticed Jimin had tucked his other hand with his ring in his pocket. Damn, I have to shake his hand with mine that has my ring on it.

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