End1-22: Regret?

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You stood there staring the door where Jimin had exited as fresh tears started overlapping your dried ones. You felt and a hand on your shoulder making you jump slightly. You turned your head to see Jihye. "Y/N..." She said softly. Of course she had heard everything. In fact a lot of people would have heard everything. You didn't realise you were still standing around of many people that were bound to listen since Jimin was the CEO so of course there would have been a lot of attention on him which then went to you as well.

You broke down crying again and Jihye hugged you tightly. She led you to the back of the club to decrease the chances of being overhead but that was still pretty slim since there people everywhere listening attentively. You looked down with red, puffy eyes as Jihye said "That...That was your husband?!"

You slowly nodded. Jihye looked at you in shock and opened her mouth you say something but then closed it again realising now was not best the time. "Umm...can I say a few more things...I know it might not be the time to..." Jihye said nervously. You nodded your head telling her it was alright. "YOU ARE MARRIED TO THE CEO OF KOREA'S LARGEST BUSINESS!"

...Yep, It was certainly not the right time to say that but you understood her shock/excitement. You sighed before nodding again. "Yes" You mumbled. "Yes, Park Jimin is my husband." You looked at Jihye who had a black but also a shocked expression as she took time comprehending what you said.

"Ok...I have been trying to figure who it was that you are married to. I've even tried to get Jaemin to tell me but he won't either. How does that hot CEO just HAPPEN to be your husband?"

You gave her a feeble smile. "I get why you're shocked. I mean everyone probably thought that Jimin and I had never met each other before but actually we went to high school together. I met him there and I immediately fell for him since the moment I saw him. We became a couple and I lived with him for a few years before....before we got married years ago" You wiped your tears as you started getting emotional talking about your marriage.

"So...that means he's Jaemin's father?" Jihye asked. You nodded.

After Jihye finally recovered from her shock, you remembered your own current problems. "Jihye why is this so complicated?"

She gave you a questioning look. "What does that mean specifically?"

You felt your tears start rolling down your cheeks again. Jihye came closer to you and gave you hug seeing you vulnerable like this and you started to cry again. "Why is it that...when Jimin was about to touch me one last time my heart started to race rapidly...but when he didn't my heart dropped? Why is it that when he said 'divorce' I felt my heart shatter into a millions pieces?" You said through your sobs. Jihye let go of you to then put her hands on your shoulder and look at you. "Do still want to be married to him?"

You were lost for words. You never really thought about whether you did or didn't. "I...I've never...really...thought about that. I don't know. Why does divorce sound...scary? Even though it's basically the same thing as not speaking or seeing each other which is what we've been doing for the past 2 years."

Jihye tilted her head, looking at you sympathetically. "Why don't you tell me?" She said trying to get you to realise your own feelings. "I...I don't know...I guess it's because even though we never saw or spoke to each other, Jimin and I were still in a way...connected to each other from our marriage. But...the idea of divorce just sound like...we'll be so far apart from each other and...separated forever."

"But I thought you said you never want to see him again?" Jihye asked. You took a deep breath and let your eyes travel around the room. "I...I know I said that but...that's not what I truly want. I never wanted to leave Jimin in the first place. I never wanted to separate from him...I just felt like I had to. I had to so I wouldn't suffer with him anymore. But...I feel like I'm suffering so much more without him." You looked at Jihye. "Why?"

My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️Where stories live. Discover now