A promise

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"yes you're right, you're seeing this right" the person answered when the people in front realized what he was doing

"stop this nonsense!!!!" a girl shouted

"no!!! and nobody can stop me! even if its you!" someone shouted and said something that caused everything to change with it came a blinding light, and there will be one they all shall loose

'A beginning an end, truths and tales, lives and deaths, all foretold, as destiny dictates all shall fall at the night of dawn'

'w-wait, what's happening? W-why?! if that's the case, the. everything I know, everything I believe in, everything I ever known is the truth—is all but a lie????????!!! that's what she was thinking at the time, and yes that's right, everything is slowly returning to how it should be—the memories...


"Memory replacer?" I asked

"yes, you heard me right" he answered

"Isn't that dangerous?" I asked

"of course not, its a working process..and yes its effective" he answered, smirking

"so...what's your plan?" I asked, because I'm still skeptical, and I just couldn't agree with him

"its simple, erase 'that' memory and replace it with what I will tell you to" he answered smirking, and whispered to me what we should replace it with


"you mean to say.....?"one of them asked in disbelief

"all along I'm..its...I was right??" another one inquired, with the confused look

yes they're all gathering in a place, and all that was lost has returned, soon they will once again awaken and that pieces of memories they all once lost shall come to them, the dieties had come, the guides shall follow, and soon they will know...

All they believed in, turned to be a lie given by that mysterious person

All they fought for was all but a lie

All the sacrificed for was partly part of the truth

All they knew of was a portion of their lives

The Promises they once made is what they hold because these are what's left of the truth and that's what makes them stronger....


all their life what they believed in was they knew they belonged to a complete family..full of love and affection..

will that hidden self of theirs unleash as what it should be?

or will they just let it go and continue living the life they had they believed was normal..

that's the world they belong to..





















messy—confusing...and bloody—a true hell...

but is everything is as what it seems?

how much of everything they know—they believe in is all but a lie?

which among the lies were the truth?

will they find out?—how?


They began in the EAST, destined to be lost only to be found again, as destiny dictates all shall fall at the night of dawn, by the lightness of the power of AIR I was lost


A STONE is carved beneath the dark alights a hope

The ROSE is born impassion them all

The MEDALLION, a hope beneath the dark


Next the SOUTH by the power of WATER imprisoning all evil, it gave me new hope, it offered me new life, what I am about to see shall set me free


The BLADE forged to empower them all

A DAGGER of light created to enlighten thee

The KEY by the golden light of the sun forged to look into the gates


By the WEST he invoked me, looked into my past, forged a promise, he gave me hope that changed my life, by the warmth of the piercing FLAMES I was awakened


The ORNAMENT created the portals awaken

The JEWEL of fate a future revealed

The CRYSTAL a bridge to dominate them all


By the NORTH I meet my destiny, what was lost shall be regained for by this sacred beginning I lost everything but he became my everything by the comforting nature of EARTH I saw the truth all was lost and regained once more


The SCEPTER that illuminates a power beyond others

The ORB purifying the dark meek it shall be

The CROWN dictated to foretell the mysteries


Together with the ELEMENTS, what was foretold shall commence, in the proper order the Light shall arise, beneath the dark it shall emerge for the power of LIGHT shall dominate them all and all is saved by the night of dawn all is revealed as the prophecy begins the portal shall open

Game of Life: A promise(On-Going)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon