12. Crossed

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I walk into the room while doing my nightly mopping. Carol's monitor beeps steadily, and I sigh, a little relieved.
"Excuse me," Dr, Edwards mutters, "I'm just checking on her."
I nod, and walk away, continuing my chores. Praying this'll all be over soon.

I'm mopping near Dawn's office and hear her and an officer that goes by O'Donnell talking.
Dawn asks O'Donnell what his plan is.
"Look," O'Donnell answers, "we are doing everything we can. Licari is out in the sedan right now. If there is a sign of Noah, we are going to find him."
"You just told me that your plan was counting on him screwing up. That's some active police work right there. Was there anything else?"
"Yes, actually, there was. The patient in exam room two, she was half dead when I brought her in. She's not looking so good. This ain't Pin the Tail On the Donkey. Are we really gonna keep wasting valuable resources on this lady?"
I spin around, "How much electricity do your DVDs take?"
"Excuse me?" O'Donnell asks, offended.
"If we have such limited resources, why are you charging your DVD everyday?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Antionette," Dawn's usual quiet threat hides in her voice.
"The patient hasn't even been here a full 24 hours yet, but your already worried about our resources.
"Why are you stationed in a fully functional hospital, but you can't even save the people who need it?"
"Turn off the machines," Dawn orders O'Donnell, But is looking at me. "Tell Edwards to take the patient off of his rounds. If she pulls through on her own, then fine. But you're right. She's not worth the effort."
O'Donnell leaves, about to follow her orders.
Dawn sighs, "You just killed that woman. Who do you think I have to side with?"
"You can't play those mind games with me, Dawn. You are the one who's murdering that woman. Or you could just go tell your little soldier that you changed your mind."
"You don't know how fragile this thing is. There's nothing I can do. So you'll just have to do it. You're gonna save that woman's life," she hands me a key. "This is to the drug locker. I don't even trust Edwards with this. So take it."
I hear Shepherd over Dawn's radio, "It's Shepherd. I'm on roof detail. Just heard a gunshot maybe a mile north-northeast."
Dawn responds using her radio, "Grab Lamson, take a car and track it down."
"Yes, ma'am."
I watch her, and once the radio conversation is over. "Why? Why help me?"
"I thought you were weak. You've proved me wrong."
I knock on an exam room door that Dr. Edwards is in.
He answers, saying my name.
I walk past him and say, "Hypothetically, what would you do to treat that woman, the one in Exam Room 2?"
"Dawn called it."
"That's what makes the question hypothetical."
"She was in a car accident. She suffered internal injuries. It's just a guessing game."
"Okay, well as far as I've seen everyone here just loves games, so play the guessing game and tell me what you'd give her."
"You have the key. Did you take it or did she give it to you? Because if she gave it to you, she did not do it out of the kindness of her heart."
"Shut up. Just tell me what to give the woman."
"I was trying to save my life. I'm still wondering if I did."
"I don't care. Jus-"
"Epinephrine drip, five milligrams. She won't wake up right away, but it'll ease her blood pressure so she'll have a shot."
I nod and go to leave, but he stops me briefly; "Hey, good luck."

I bring strawberries to a man, saying he'd help me out.
He starts coughing obnoxiously as I walk past, looking through the medicine before I find the correct one.
As I walk back I hear the man say he is okay.
I walk to Carol's room and start the drip, insert the medicine into the drip and hope for the best. I sit next to her, hoping she wakes up quickly.

[A.N] Short, short filler chapter. Honestly you all know all this! But of course Antionette's just that little bit different... as for an update on my other OCs
Sev is with Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Tera, Glenn, and Maggie dealing with the aftermath of Eugene's lies coming to the surface. They're trying to bring Abe back from the edge, but this time is proving harder than the time with Abe's family leaving. That time they had a mission to distract him with. This time it's just kind and not as kind words being thrown around.
Mason is with Carl at the church, he's struggling a lot worst than Carl did with the almost being uh... forced into the deed by a much older man. Carl wasn't proctected like Mason is, and Mason doesn't have the strong connections with Michonne, Rick or Daryl that Carl has. So he's having quite the difficult time. He's mostly hoping they bring Carol and Antionette back to the church in one piece.

[Finished] Living Among the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now