25. No Way Out

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I wake up to the vehicle stopping, when I open my eyes I see a group of men, all on bikes infront of us. "This day just keeps getting better and better," I mumble, I feel everyone look at me so I shrug.
"Why don't you come on out, join us in the road? You know, if you want to resist, try something. It's a choice I guess, but we will end your asses, split you right in two, straight through to the sinuses. So come on."
We get out, Abraham the only thing keeping me on my feet as he lowers me down, and keeps me standing by holding me up.
"That's great," the man in front continues. "It's going well right out of the gate. Now, step two, hand over your weapons."
"Why should we?" Daryl asks.
"Well, they're not yours."
"What?" Abraham seeths.
"See, your weapons, your truck, the fuel in your truck, if you got mints in your glove compartment, if you got porn underneath the seats, change in the seats, hell, the seats themselves, the floor mats, your maps, the little stash of emergency napkins you got there in the console, none of those things are your anymore."
"Whose are they?" Sasha asks.
The man steps forward, "Your property now belongs to Negan."
The name sounds too familiar for me to be comfortable with.
"And if you can get your hands on a tanker, you're people our person wants to know. So let's get those sidearms, shall we? Right now." He walks to Daryl whi hands him his pistol, "Thank you."
Same goes for Sasha, he stops in front of Abraham and I after taking Abe and I's  weapons and says, "If you have to eat shit, best not to nibble. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. It goes quicker."
"Who are you people?" Sasha asks the man who is now going back to his bike.
"I get the curiosity," he responds. "But we have questions ourselves. And we'll be the ones asking them while we drive you back to wherever it is you call home. Take a gander at where you hang your hats. First, though, your shit. What have you got for us?"
"Yeah, you just took it." Daryl snaps.
"Come on. I mean, can we not, okay? There's more. There is always more." He sighs, turning around and sitting back on his bike and says, "T," a bald man gets off his bike and approaches Daryl.
"Wait!" I say, breathlessly.
"For what, Sweetheart?" The man asks.
"Please," I swollow. "I'm pregnant, please don't do this."
The man smirks, then orders, "T, take my man to the back of the truck, start inside the back bumper, work your way to the front. Go."
Abraham glances at me before continuing to glare at the leader of this group of men.
"Bite, chew, swallow, repeat." The man repeats.
"Who's Negan?" Abe asks.
"Ding, dong Hell's bells. You see, usually we introduce ourselves by just popping one of you right off the bat. But you seem like reasonable people. I mean, you're sportin' dress blues, for Christ's sake. And, like I said, we're gonna drive you back to where you were. I mean, do you know how awkward it is carpooling with someone whose friend or friends you've just killed? Oof. But I told you not to ask any questions. And then what does this ginger do? So that's that. I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me." He cocks his gun, aiming it at Abraham.
"Wait!" Exclaims Sasha. "Wait. You don't have to do this."
The man takes another gun out and aims it at Sasha, so Abraham says, "Shut up."
"I am talking to the man," Sasha says.
"No, you're not." After a suspensful few minutes, he lowers his guns saying, "I'm not gonna kill you. Wait, wait. You know what? Yes, I am." And then before the man can aim his weapons once more, the whole lot of them explode and we're all knocked over.
"What the fuck," I gasp, shakily.
Once Abraham gets up, he helps me back up.
I hear Daryl say, "Son of a bitch was tougher than he looked." When I look at him he's carrying a rocketlauncher type deal.
"Did he cut you?" Sasha asks.
"A little. What a bunch of assholes."
Sasha moves forward, checks his wounds and then says, "Let's get you two fixed up at home."
"Yes, ma'am." Daryl replies.
As we make our way back inside the truck Abraham says, "Nibble on that."
He then helps me up into the truck before getting in after me.
"So, a baby, huh?" He asks as we start driving once more.
I look over to Daryl who's white knuckling the steering wheel. "Uh... yeah... just- just found out not long ago."
"And you thought going to be bait for some walkers was a good idea?" Sasha asks.
I bite my lip, "Didn't want to be worrying about if and when Daryl'd be back again... figured it'd be more stress free I guess..."
Abraham snorts, "And how'd that work for you?"
I shrug, "Think I got a concussion, but I know Daryl's okay."
"Fucking idiot," Daryl seethes.
"I was going to tell you..." I mumble.
"When? When were you going to tell me your husband knocked you up again? Huh? After you'd have the baby?"
"It's uh... it's not my husbands..." I whisper.
I don't get a response, and the ride is the most awkward silence I've ever been involved in in my entire life.

We get to Alexandria to see it overrun by the dead, "Mason," I gasp, tears immediately filling my eyes.
"We got this," Abraham states, and he and Sasha rush out of the truck, they start shooting and once they've finished Abraham yells, "Can you get the gate? Appreciate it, pal." And then starts shooting again.
When the gates open, we drive close to one of the watch towers and with help they get Maggie down, Glenn running and getting into the truck.
"What the hell happened?" Daryl asks.
"I don't know. I just got back. Listen... we can- we can lead some of them away, but they're scattered."
"Nah, we get 'em all together. Won't have to lead 'em away."
Glenn looks shocked, and I shrug as Daryl backs up.
Once he parks he turns to me, "Stay in the truck!"
"I need to help," I argue.
"This ain't up for discussion, stay in the damn truck until I come get you out."
I glare at him as he gets out for a few minutes. Then Sasha, Glenn and Abraham hop into the truck and we drive a bit away before Daryl bangs on the roof yelling, "All right, that's it! Don't let up!" We park and he rocket launches the place where he let out fuel, the grass catches fire and the dead immediately start moving towards the flames. Catching fire as they get to it, Daryl jumps down, and everyone leaves me in the truck to start fighting as well.
I want to help, but know I'm in no condition to do so, even if the desire is still there.

When it's safe, Daryl comes and picks me up, bringing me to the infirmary.
"She's pregnant," he grunts at Denise.

Once she's completed her exam she says, "Your very lucky, you have a pretty severe concussion and need to stay here a while, but as far as I can tell, your still pregnant. I'm not making any promises by any means, but the plug is still in. Depending on how far along you are..."
"A month, give or take a few weeks." I respond.
She lets out a sigh of relief, "Come see me when your closer to five months, we'll check the heartbeat. There's no chance of hearing it with just a stethoscope at this point, thank god."
Once she's finished with me, she starts stitching up Daryl, who just glares at me in silence.
Mason sits on the end of the bed, occasionally going to check up on Carl; who's eye was shot. But thank god, Carl is still alive. Struggling, but alive.

[A.N.] Me realizing I never did a list of the casting I used for my OC's so here we go:
As Antionette : (Formerly) Maia Mitchell, (Now) Nina Debrov
As Tyler : William Moseley
As Mason : Asa Butterfeild
As Aaron : Cole and Dylan Sprouse
As Tonia : Mia Talerico
As Sev : Ruby Rose
Sometime in the future:
As Hope : Bailee Madison
As Dimitri : Logan Moreau

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