64. Scars

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We stand outside of Alexandria, and my heart starts beating rapidly in my chest.. I'd left so long ago and decided never to look back... and yet, I turn to see Daryl staring at the wall entrance as well, jaw clenched tightly. 
He remembers...
The memories cause me to miss my kids more and more every moment. I close my eyes and let a silent tear stream down my cheek, subtly wiping it away. I feel Daryl's hand briefly in my own, before its gone. He's reassuring me without making my unhappiness obvious to the two children with us.
Once we see Aaron and Michonne on the entrance outpost Daryl speaks up, "Henry's hurt. You were closest. I wouldn't have come. We had no other choice."
"What about her?" Michonne calls down.
"She's with us," Henry responds immediately.
Michonne turns around, after a few minutes she turns back and yells, "Open it!"
Daryl and I exchange a final glance as the gates are opened.

Siddiq fixes Henry's leg while I corner Aaron.
He seems livid at the idea of me speaking with him, but I carry on anyway. "Jesus is fine, he will be, anyway. Enid thinks he'll make damn near a full recovery, no thanks to you."
"We were idiots that day," Aaron snaps.
"No, you were in love. And you were meant to stand with him," I respond, coldly.
"He could have died!"
"And he didn't, thank whoever the hells listening. But no thanks to you! You, who meant the world to Jesus. You who left my best friend alone to die. We used to be so close, Aaron... what the hell happened to you?"
"I'd ask you the same question, bringing a refuge to Alexandria, no kids in sight after pining for several years and being mad at Daryl for doing exactly what your doing now. Abandoning your children. Or years you going to go back and put them and everyone there in danger?"
"Fuck you, Aaron. Fuck you." I seethe before storming away, to go to wait with Daryl for Henry and Lydia.
Michonne's outside with Daryl and that blonde woman who's name I consistently forget..
"So, where to now?" Michonne asks, as I approach. "Straight to the Kingdom?"
"Well, probably not straight, but, yeah Carol should know."
"And I'm sure someone will have brought our kids... maybe we can explain why we'll be gone for awhile in a way they'll understand." I pipe up, hopefully.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this," Daryl says, as we sit on the edge of a body of water.
"Nah, I'm not. I'm glad you finally took me with you..." I nudge his shoulder with my own, its then that I hear the footsteps coming.
I stand up to let Judith sit next to Daryl as I lean against one of the wooden poles.
"Is Hilltop in danger?" She asks once she's settled.
"I don't know. Might be," Daryl responds, softly.
"But you helped Lydia, anyways."
"No, we went to get Henry. Lydia just kind of tagged along."
"You brought her here. That means you want to help." She pauses, "I want to help, too."
"I know you do."
"Would you stay if my mom says it's okay?" "Nah. We should keep movin'. Your mom's right. Keeping you and RJ safe. This place. That's-that's what's important."
"No, it isn't." She contradicts, sounding almost sad. "I mean, not just us. I've heard the stories, how everyone fought the Saviors and won. We can do that again."
"You haven't heard all the stories."
"What would my dad do?"
"Your dad would put up one hell of a fight," I pipe up after a minute of silence.
Judith smiles, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

We're gathering up to leave when I hear Aaron say to Daryl, "Remember way back; when I told you you'd make a great father? May not be your own kids, but I was right."
"A lot's changed," Daryl grunts. "Back then, we were still building bridges and you and my wife were friends." I have to force myself not to look back at them as Daryl calls me his wife.
"Stay safe." I hear Michonne say, which tells me that Aaron walked away.
"Yeah, you too." Daryl responds. "Thank you."
"She's mad at me." I assume they're speaking of Judith.
"It's 'cause she don't know. Why don't you tell her?"
"She's not ready. Neither am I. She's a kid. She gets to keep being one as long as I can help it."
"That's not just a little kid you got there." He catxhes up to me at that, and he calls his dog, then whistles loudly.
"So, I'm still your wife?" I ask him, softly as we walk.
"Ya still wear the ring don't ya?"
I shrug, "I guess I do. And you?"
"Still yer husband, if you'll still have me."
"I guess I kind of understand how hard your decision to stay away must have been... I hate that we're doing this to them..."
He nods, "I'm sorry."
"Its not your fault, it was my decision to bring the girl along. But I wasn't wrong."
"You weren't wrong."

We keep walking, when we hear a carriage pulling up behind us, we turn around as Michonne says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."
"Anyone headed to Kingdom?" Judith asks.
I smile and we hop into the car turned carriage.

[A.N.] The episodes where I have to watch it more than once to keep the chapters flowing the way I want are always some of the hardest to write; especially with my ADD so I know this isn't my best work, but please bare with me.

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