Chapter 3: Loki Caught

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Loki stabbed Thor and made him fall on ground. Stream of blood was flowing from his wound in his thigh. He was groaning with pain

"Nooooo, Loki stop in the name of Asgard, You need to stop. Mother would never like this. ".

Thor kept on saying, still struggling with the pain . Loki suddenly stopped laughing with the mention of mother . He suddenly stood like statue, even the casket fell from his hands. He was all speechless.He turned to Thor. "

What do you think this would Stop me.....No...i will take my revenge and you will have to kneel before me..."

Thor noticed this and started again

" Brother, see mother wanted you to be a kind person"

Loki looked down. It seemed like Loki was listening to Thor this time but it was not true. Suddenly he smirked as ge picked up the casket again. Thor stepped behind and Loki charged to give a fatal blow.
Thor dodged and shouted in Anger.


But it was too late for Loki to attack once more because Wanda already came to the rescue. Wanda came suddenly so Loki didn't had time to even cast a duplicate of him self.

Now Loki knew he was in trouble so he tried to use his common trick. He called out for Thor to help.

"Thooooor..... Help me..... I am Sorry.... ".

But Thor didn't reply because he knew it was a trap.

Wanda came from behind and concentrated her psychic powers on Loki. The scarlet glow was all around him. He couldn't move a inch now. No matter how much he tried to use his own powers,Wanda was more powerful.

Wanda lifted him up and held his head in her hands,She was using the 'nightmare' attack that he first used on Avengers.

This attack sent Loki to his worst nightmare. Now Loki was so traumatised that he couldn't use his magic. He went unconscious.

After this, Wanda levitated him further and first slammed his back to the glass of a skyscraper and then smashed his head so hard in the adjacent street light that his horn helmet broke and he had severe injuries on his head. Then she released him in the air.

Loki fell from air, bumped into a truck and then fell on ground again.All lifeless

Thor gasped as this scene was way too horrifying for him. He looked like something ripped through his chest but he didn't stop it cause it was necessary to save the people.
When he couldn't take mire,he burst into a flood of tears and despite of the pain in his wound, he ran towards where Loki was lying on the ground......all unconscious.

The glow in the casket of ancient winters vanished as Loki's spell broke. Gradually, all Jotun beasts faded away and the Ice Age too vanished from New York. People who were turned into ice were now normal again.

Cap and Falcon were freed from the ice blocks and big dragon that took over Tony and vision also disappeared.

Wanda landed on ground. Media reporter were all around her.
People gathered around her and started appreciated for her heroic actions.
Soon the other team members also reached at the spot.

"Jeez, Wanda. Never knew you can do this too." Tony said in an appreciating tone. .

All team members too admired her for she was the 'Saviour of the Day'.

But the story was whole lot different with Thor.
He sat on ground with Loki's injured body his arms. Streams of hot tears rolling down his cheeks and dropping on Loki's face.
Loki has a severe head enjury. His suit also broke apart revealing many more deep injuries on his back, big shallow scratch on his neck, his arm had a deep cut.
Blood was flowing from his mouth too. His nose was also bleeding. Thor was very much shaken seeing this much worse condition of his brother. Loki had many bruises on his face. Thor was crying bitterly.

Constantly crying out Loki's name. He leaned closer to Loki's face to kiss his forehead .He gripped his body and brought it closer to his chest and hugged him very tightly.
Again shouting his brother's name. Now the tears were reduced to sobbing.

"Lokiiii. I am sorry. I am the worst brother. ...My baby brother... Don't leave me again."
His voice faltered and he hugged him again, mumbling in his ear softly

"I love you a lot. More than anything. "

No one noticed them. When the crowd of people dissappeared, Steve suddenly realised that Thor was not there. Captain looked here and there, his eyes searching the red cape and armour.

"What are you looking for, Steve"
Asked Tony.

Captain replied "where's Thor".

All of them looked here and there. Sam Wilson saw him.

He spoke " There he is".

All of them rushed towards him shouting

But Thor didn't care to listen. He was still mourning and apologising to his brother. Everyone reached there and saw Thor mourning over Loki. Although the Avengers always hated Loki for his mischief and trickery, but Thor's love for his little brother melted everyone's heart.

Thanks for reading. Hope you liked the story.
So we saw what happened in battle.Is Loki really dead? How will Thor save Loki. We will find out in the next story. Thank you once again.

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