Chapter 15 ~ For Asgard

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{A/N: If anyone had any problem in identifying Black order then you can see the above picture for reference about Marvel's Black order}

The other commander,who had a brown scaly skin and looked as strong as hulk(Cull Obsidian) tightened his grip on his weapon and gritted his teeth to show his aggression.Thanos walked ahead, making each footstep echo. He spoke"Asgardians,you can't face the power of the Thanos. So it's better you surender Loki and the tesseract cube". Tony smirked and said"look grape guy, it's better if
your gang back to your fucking planet ". Thanos replied"Then you must suffer the rage of Black order." He pointed his sword at the avengers and the fight began.
Hoards of dreadful aliens dashed rapidly towards them . The avengers also started to fight back.Working in teams ,they were dismantling each of the them. Destroyer was also proving it's metal in the battlefield.The Avengers were indulged in conquest with the alien force,Thanos and the other commander saw it as a chance to take over the palace, but before he could cover half way,Odin came to rescue. He fiercely said"I won't let anything happen to my son and triggered beams from his golden spear . The beam sent Thanos flying . He landed harshly on the ground. Now the other commanders pounced on Odin.They all were nearly successful in taking over Odin but Thor show this and came to save him. He created a powerful bolt of lightning and hit them all at once. They all fell on ground. Thor landed near Odin and helped him get up. "Father are you ok"he asked. Odin nodded.Thanos was about to from back but she landed in front of him.Thanos said"get off my way,kid". Wanda smirked and replied"You know,you should better stay away from me". Thanos said"but I don't even know you". To this Wanda answered"you will"and she started lifting him in the air,smashing him,she was almost about to rip him apart. Thanos groaned "start firing". His commander said "but sire,our troops". Thanos yelled"just do it.," A new spaceship like thing was unleashed that bombarded the whole area causing very much damage. The Avengers came near to defeat but vision and iron man redeemed all. Vision shooted it with mind stone while Ironman shooted it with arc reactor.In no time ,the spaceship broke down into fine grains.Whole asgardians army cheered for them but Thanos got frustrated. He yelled in anger and started attacking Captain America.Captain America started the face him bravely but Thanos was more stronger. However ironman caught his one hand the aimed a blast on his face. Thanos groaned "Stark". Tony exclaimed"how do you know my name?". Thanos said"you are not the only one to be cursed with intelligence".Tony shouted"but my curse is you"and he again shot him with a beam.Thor also came there. He held Thanos' arms strongly as Tony was about to blast off another strong beam but as he shooted. Thanos caught hold of Thor's wrist and forcibly threw him in the way of the beam ,injuring Thor.His hammer dropped down. Thanos walked to Thor and lifted him from the collar and said "I know I can't smash the hammer on you but you can be smashed on the hammer". He did the same . He banged Thor's head on the hammer causing it bleed.Tony and Steve tried to save him but they were taken over by alien army again. The commanders took over Odin. Thanos grabbed Thor's neck and loudly announced"Loki Laufeyson,I know you are here. If you want to see your brother alive then hand me the tesseract. I give you Five minutes,show up or your brother is dead".
And actually Loki was seeing all this.He was very upset with the chaos and destruction.He felt he is only the reason for all this. He thought"How should I get there,my family and my friends are facing problems due to me
? " He closed his eyes and prayed to go"Oh mighty All Father,show me some way to save my loved ones". Then an idea flashed in his mind "Oh yes, I have an idea,there is a window in the bathing chamber that open to the hall way." and he went in his bathroom. That window was open but a bit high.However he managed to get through it. He hid himself from the soldiers and went into the treasury from the backside and took the tesseract cube and went out of the castle.
5 minutes were over now. Thanos said"Alright,now see your brother die.Thanos was about to behead Thor. Odin screamed"Noooo,Thor". But Loki showed up. He yelled"Alright stop ". Every exclaimed on seeing him.Thor groaned"L..L.. Loki".Odin cried"Loki noo..". Thanos gave a wicked smile. Loki knelt on one knee.He said"Oh mighty Thanos,I hand over you the tesseract. Please leave my brother". Thanos left Thor, dropping him on ground.Thor struggled get up as he was very much injured.Thanos glanced at tesseract and said"Asgard will be mine now".Loki said"but you said you'll leave us". Thanos replied"No,I said I'll leave you".Loki shouted"You deceived us",but it was of no use. Thanos started attacking with powerful cosmic beams.Tony,vision and destroyer tried to  hit Thanos but the cosmic rays sent them flying. Loki placed his one hand on his chest and prayed"All father,please save us" and there was a huge thunderstorm over the battlefield and as the thunder striked, a miracle happened.The mjolnir flew and came to Loki's hand.The thunder sounded even louder and transformed Loki's dress into Thor's armour . Thor's eyes sparkled with tears of joy. He mumbled"My baby brother". Loki shouted"Thanos"and he hit Thanos with a very powerful lightning bolt,Tesseract dropped down and Loki picked it up. Thanos broke his one or two ribs as he fell down.Loki then took the tesseract and open a portal  to a different realm and said"As a punishment og your crimes,I banish you to the realm of darkness.The Alien army and Black Order got banished in that realm.

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