Chapter 12 Mission : Save Loki

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All of them.Loki, Thor, Wanda, Vision, Tony, Steve and Natasha were sitting in the Meeting Hall. They were know discussing about plans to save Loki as well as Earth. "So Loki, tell us the full story, so we can plan better" Said Tony, running his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "Well exactly, when I was coming to midgard again, I met them on my way. They almost caught me. They threatened me. They were about to execute me. However I managed to escape. I am afraid they'll find me. I don't want any havoc created here because of me." Loki told them. To this, Natasha asked"You know any other thing about them". Loki nodded. He said"Yeah, their leader is a mad Titan named Thanos. There are millions of them and they're very  powerful, I am afraid they will destroy midgard.".Everyone was shocked hearing this. Loki was faced downwards due to anxiety. Thor slipped his one arm around him to comfort him. He gently patted his back. "Don't worry, everything will be alright".Thor said. " So... What should we do now"said Tony, looking rather frustrated. Vision interrupted"Well I have a plan. " he said. "What is it, Vision" Steve asked impatiently. Wanda also joined in the conversation. "Actually, I and Viz made a plan, I think we can send Loki back to Asgard. Since Asgard is way too far from our solar system, they won't be able to find him and return back. "Wanda spoke.Everybody looked convinced with the plan"Bravo! wonderful plan" Tony appreciated clapping Wanda's and Vision's back. Thor had an objection. He said"but If we go to Asgard, Loki will have to go back to the dungeons. ".Loki although looked a bit sad, still he said" It's alright, doesn't matter, I want to correct all the blundersIve made. " Thor's eyes widened. He intervened "but Loki... ".However Loki stopped him in between and said" It will be okay". Steve said"Then decided, Loki will leave for Asgard day after tomorrow. "Everyone went back to his/her respected floor.". Thor and Loki returned. They both were in their dressing gowns, something was there on Loki's mind so he was lost in deep thoughts. Thor, however, didn't knew. He was going to take a night shower and some naughty idea flashed in his head. He said" Loki, I am going to take a shower ". Loki nodded. Thor went in the bathroom. After 5 minutes, Thor called out Loki. " Loki, I forgot my towel, please give me". Loki rolled his eyes. He picked up the towel from bed. Thor let his hand out of the bathroom gate. When Loki was about to hand over the towel, Thor caught hold of his wrist and pulled him in. Loki's eyes widened and he turned red . He tried to speak"Brother, what are you do... "But Thor closed his mouth with his hand. He was all naked. He said" Shhh.... Silence Loki"and untied the soft belt of Loki's dressing gown. Thor took off Loki's dressing gown as well. It fell on the floor.Now Loki was also nude. He was looking very hot. He gave a lusty grin and placed his hands on Loki's waist and pulled him even closer.He turned on the shower.Thor put his hands on Loki's hips and started kissing his sweet lips.A long lasting kiss.Then Loki turned off the shower and took the towel and rushed out of the bathroom very shyly.He was as red as a tomato.He wiped himself dry.Thor came out and grabbed Loki.He lifted Loki in his hands and threw him on the bed. Loki bit his lips. He said"brother,I want to tell you something."but Thor interrupted"Nothing is important than this."and he started kissing Loki again. Loki was also enjoying this.Thor lied with him. They both hugged and started cuddling and fondling.Thor bit Loki's nape and started rubbing circles upper part of his crotch with palm and running his hand on Loki's thighs and legs.Loki let out low moans."Thooor".he moaned.After some time,Thor and Loki passed out.Loki woke up first.It was 9 AM. He suddenly remembered that he missed out on something. He had tell Thor a very impressed thing.He Shaked for vigorously."Thor wake up".he yelled. Thor was still feeling sleepy."let me sleep. Loki", Thor groaned. "Wake up oaf, I want to tell you something important. It's very important" Thor got up, rubbing his eyes, yawning and stretching himself. "Ugh, what is it"he asked sulkily." Thor father is not in Asgard, he is here, on midgard". Thor's eyes widened. "What!! How? ".he exclaimed. " Actually, when I returned from Svartalfheim, I hypnotised father and left him in an old age home".Loki anxiously told."What,how could you".Thor frowned, he was mad at Loki  it he didn't had the heart to say anything to him. Loki sorrowfully said"I am sorry, hatred and anger took over my morality ".Thor cupped Loki's cheekd and consolated him. " It's okay, but do you know where is he". He asked. Loki nodded. "Yeah, I know, I left him in New York only. ". Loki said. Alright, get ready we need to leave. They were ready in 10 minutes. Loki clinged to Thor's arm. Thor lifted his hamner and they flew out of the big window.

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