Ch 14~ Visit to Asgard

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The next morning, packing was done.Thor lifted his hammer upwards and shouted"heimdall,portal"and they all  got pulled inside a rainbow portal. All of them felt excited. It was bright and colourful. The portal ended and they all landed on golden platform. There was a big sphere and a person in golden armour and a dark skin with golden eyes. He was Heimdall. He greeted everyone with a smile"I welcome you all to Asgard. Hope you enjoy here". Thor smiled at Heimdall and said"Hey Heimdall, meet my friends, This is Tony, Wanda, Steve, Natasha and Vision and friends this is Heimdall. " Heimdall said"It's my pleasure to meet you all "and they walked. Tony was clicking photos in his android. He was quite fascinated by the ancient but advanced science. He was scanning about bifros bridge and trying to get information about it.Vision was also quite fascinated. He was also doing the same and telling the things to Wanda. Wanda was enjoying with vision. She was very much attracted to the rainbow bifrost bridge. Thor was acting as a tour guide. He was very excited and he was explaining the history behind the bridge. Steve and Natasha were listening to him carefully.Soon they reached the golden palace.Odin was standing there to greet them all. Thor introduced everyone. "Father,These are my friends Tony, Steve, Nat, Wanda and Vision and friends he is the All father of nine realms,king of asgard and our father Odin". Everyone bowed to greet him. Odin said" It's nice to meet you all. Please join us for the meal". They all happily went in the dining hall and had meal. Many delicious delicacies were there on the table and they all were finger licking good. After eating, they rested for sometime in the guest room while Thor and Loki were in Odin's chambers. Loki said" Thank you father, I am really grateful to you, for giving me another chance". Odin patted Loki's shoulders and said"No Loki, this is my responsibility to protect you and also a chance to provide you the love that I never gave to you.Thor you can show the palace to your friends, Loki come with me". Loki looked at Odin with utter disbelief. He always wanted this to happen . He smiled in contentment and said"yes, father". Thor looked at his brother's happy face and he too smiled. Seeing Loki in a good mood always made him happy. Loki turned towards Thor at smiled at him. Thor also smiled back  and nodded to him and went off to his friends, while Loki went with Odin.
They all started roaming in the palace. Thor, as usual, was again acting as a tour guide. Thor showed them his chambers,his mother's chambers, treasury,magical artifacts, royal garden and weapons too. Tony was quite fascinating with them ,specially the destroyer. He said"The technology is quite appreciable".Then they were visiting the prison . All prison were looking at all of them with fierceful eyes. One prisoner spoke"you are gonna pay for this Odinson. the whole Asgard will suffer ".Thor scowled at him.Suddenly a mysterious sound came. Like some building
had collapsed,sounds for firing from sky and people screams were also coming.Natasha said"What's this noise". All of them rushed in chaos and confusion.Heimdall came running"Thor,the enemies are attacking,they have opened a separate portal to enter. They are limitless and quite powerful,they are creating havoc. ".Everyone looked outside and saw the dreadful scene same as New York. The chittauri was attacking Asgard. People were screaming and running for help.Thor asked Heimdall"Where's  Sif,Volstagg,Fandrall and others?".Heimdall replied"They all are severely injured and are being treated . Steve shouted"Avengers,assemble!". And he took out his shield from his back,Tony got suited up,Black Widow took out her equipments ,Wanda had the Scarlet glow all over her body while vision flued in air. Thor lifted the mjolnir and they all moved towards the enemy. Rows of attack started. Vision,Tony and Thor were dealing with air troops while cap,nat and wanda were dealing with the ground troops . Soon destroyer and other Asgardian robots and more troops came to rescue but the situation was still going out of control.
In the meantime,Loki was having a conversation with Odin when a injured soldier fell in their feet,king save us,aliens attacking us. Loki and Odin too looked outside. Loki gasped"chi...chittauri, father they've found me " Odin took his hand and said"Don't worry come with me,no arguments. " and he locked Loki in his chambers with other soldiers for protection while Heimdall took the Asgardian citizens through the woods to a safe place. They all could do nothing but watch Asgard ruin.
Tony figured out .   the entry portal and  triggered power ballistic missiles into it.This stopped the aliens for some time but then after some time,the leader and commanders of the army entered the battle field, non other than Thanos and the members of Black Order.

This stopped the aliens for some time but then after some time,the leader and commanders of the army entered the battle field, non other than Thanos and the members of Black Order

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New and even more powerful troops followed them. One of the commanders spoke(Ebony Maw) "Lord Thanos demands Loki and Tesseract cube". Thor fiercly growled at the mention of Loki's name. Tony scoffed"and what if we say we are not going to fulfill your demands noseless guy ". Daughter of Thanos (Proxima Midnight) scowled at them. She yelled "How dare you dishonour our commander,you shall pay for this.

 She yelled "How dare you dishonour our commander,you shall pay for this

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