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-warning(s); college/university au

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-warning(s); college/university au


"what are your plans for the weekend?" sasha asked her boyfriend. she so desperately hoped he'd give her an answer of 'nothing. i just want to stay in with you my love', but she knew that wouldn't be the case.

seth shrugged flopping back on sashas roommates bed who was out of town for the week. "probably gonna head to finn's party tonight. that means saturday i'll sleep all day and then sunday im gonna watch football with the boys."

"oh. that sounds nice," sasha mumbled, disappointment laced in her voice. seth barely spent time with her anymore. at first she didn't notice it, but this was the fifth weekend in a row he'd avoided her completely.

"i mean it's a pretty basic weekend. nothing else to do," he sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

sasha frowned, crossing her legs in criss cross position, slightly pulling the fluffy gray blanket over her knees to keep warm in the chilly temperature.

"maybe instead of finn's party, we could hang out tonight," she suggested, a tiny spark of hope inside of her.

"i'd love to but the boys would be so disappointed if i didn't go," he answered.

great excuse, sasha thought.

she huffed, "why does it matter what they think. don't you care about me?"

seth sat up, looking the hurt girl in her eyes, "of course i do! but you know the boys, i will never hear the end of it if i don't go."

sasha let out a fake laugh as she leaned back against her wall, "what happened seth? you used to take me out to dinner every friday night. even when i was sick, you ate with me in bed and we'd have a movie night. what happened!?"

tears sting sashas eyes as she did her best to blink them away. she wouldn't cry. not over him. he wasn't worth it.

that didn't stop the tears though.

"oh sash don't cry. you know i love you," seth said softly. he walked over to her bed, sitting beside the upset girl. she moved away.

"no! i don't know that! it's like you forget i even exist half the time. its not fair seth," sasha whimpered wiping her tears away.

he used to never make her sad. now everything he did hurt her.

seth sighed looking down at his watch. "i have to go. talk to you in the morning ok. i love you," he left a kiss on her temple before picking up his backpack and walking out the door.

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