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"wait your a gemini?"

seth nodded, adjusting himself on sasha's white sofa that fit perfectly with the aesthetic of sasha's home. everything was neat and blended well together. she couldn't properly live in a house that was a disaster, hence why she moved out of her shared house with charlotte and rebecca.

"i know, i know, people talk shit about gemini's, i promise i'm not a bad person though," he chuckled, "you know that sasha, we've been friends for like six years."

the blue haired girl sat beside him on the couch, holding a glass of wine in her right hand. "don't worry, i know a lot of gemini's and i only have problems with a few of them," she giggled, maneuvering her position to sit cross crossed on the couch.

"oh really, who?" he asked.

"remember that guy from like 2017?" she said. a smile curved on her lips as she remembered how stupid and immature she was back then...even if it was just three years ago.


"no the other one," she rolled her eyes.

seth furrowed his eyebrows before remembering. how could he forget the guy that had sasha bawling her eyes out after every date.


sasha nodded, "that's the one. he was a real asshole, always trying to control my life."

"why do people think so negatively of gemini's though. i've always wondered that," seth questioned, knowing sasha would have an answer for him.

"well the gemini constellation story is about the twins and people usually connect that with being very two faced," she explained, "i don't think you're two faced though. you're really genuine."

seth wrapped his arm around the back of the couch as he yawned. "i might head to bed soon."

he was staying at sasha's for a few days since his house was being renovated at the moment. he would've gone to roman or dean's, but they were both out of town and only their wives were home. something about staying with them didn't sit well with him so he went to sasha's. they were pretty close so it wasn't weird or anything.

"don't be like that," sasha groaned, setting her wine down on the glass table in front of them. she turned to face seth, pushing his shoulder, "we're having a sleepover, let's do something fun!" she exclaimed.

"we're not five sasha," he chuckled.

the shorter girl stood up, grabbing his hand. seth hid his blush by staring at the floor as sasha dragged him to the kitchen.

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