m e m o r i e s

384 11 8

warning(s) ; sad
                          ages changed

   it's sad when the people who        gave you the best memories                  become a memory 

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   it's sad when the people who   
    gave you the best memories     
            become a memory 


Sasha stared into his chocolate brown eyes, becoming entranced in how they shimmered in the beaming sunlight. She leaned on to her tip toes, kissing his cheek softly before pulling back to stare at him a bit longer.

"Your so beautiful," he whispered, caught in the same trance she was in.

There was nothing to bother them.

Light blue painted the skies above them, a soft breeze causing the grass below their feet to blow, brushing against their ankles.

Sasha rested her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. His arms were her protection. They were warm, comforting...a fantasy some would say.

"I love you," she mumbled. His lips could be felt, gently kissing the top of her head as she sighed in contentment.

"I love you too. Forever and always Sash."


Sasha woke up.

She woke up. She snapped back to reality. She left her dreams.

That was the problem.

She could only be with him in her dreams and her memories. He wasn't here anymore. He left.

She missed him terribly.

She opened her phone, eyes squinting at the bright light. As she waited for her phone to load, she glanced at the empty side of the bed.

He's there.

He's not there.

She sighed and clicked on her photo album, scrolling up to June. Specifically June 6th.

She clicked on the first photo from that day.

It was a stupid selfie. Sasha had her hood over her head, hiding her messy hair while Seth was beside her asleep. A baseball cap covered most of his face as he had put it there purposely to try and get some sleep. They were at the airport and the flight had been delayed three hours. Not the best way to start your honeymoon, but it definitely didn't affect the trip that much.

Sasha couldn't remember why she took the photo but she was glad she had it.

"Sash why are you taking a photo?" Seth asked, hearing the click of the phone. She giggled looking at the picture.

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